Is He Stupid?

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*Nialls Point of View*

"What happened to her?" I said in panic to Zayn as I ran down the hallway. "We were just talking to her, and then she just stopped."  Zayn said. "Stopped what? Stopped talking? Stopped breathing?" I said. "I dont know I didn't really notice I just heard the noise and then some lady came and took her from us. "Do you know whats wrong?" I said looking at Harry. "No" Harry mumbled looking at the ground. "What'd you do?" I screamed at him knowing he had done something. He always looked at the ground and mumbled when he did something suspicious. "We were just talking, and-"And Harry kissed her" Louis said interrupting Harrys attempt to tell me what actually happened by himself. "You, you kissed her?" I said shocked. "Well yeah..." Harry said smiling. Is he stupid, did he not know I liked her? A shot of jealousy shot through my veins. What if she had liked the kiss? I could feel my cheeks turning red. "Why?" I said. "Well, I think shes pretty" Harry said seeming content with himself. I had liked Audrey for years and I never told anyone but Liam and this is what happened. "What happened after you kissed her?" I said. "She...umm kind've stopped talking and fell back asleep and then the nurse came in and said she hadn't taken her pills in awhile, and that's why she was unconscious." Harry said. "So my best friend comes on tour and you  guys make fun of me liking her and then you go and realize that your suddenly in love with her and kiss her?" I said trying to keep my cool. "You like her?" Harry said with wide eyes. 

*Audreys Point of View* 

"Yes! Yes, I like her! How can you  not see that?" I heard someone outside said. I slowly openedd my eyes and looked around the room. "I don't just like her I love her, I have since I was a kid" the same voice said. I already knew who that was, It was Niall. His accent was so thick you could tell it apart from anyone. "Hello" a nurse said she was stunning. She had long dark brown hair and a greek goddess glow to her skin. I looked up, she was kneeling over me with a needle full of yellow juice. I still heard mumbling outside but I ignored it. I focused on the needle that was about to go into my arm. I am completely terrified of shots, and not the Little mommy hold my hand I've had doctors come in to sit on me so that they can keep me still. I started to breathe heavy as the doctor started to sterilize the needle. I saw Niall and Harry peeking through the door. They both knew I was deathly afraid of needles. You ok? Niall mouthed to me? I started to smile but as the nurse started to come near me with the needle I quickly shoock my head, Niall stepped in the room. "What are you doing sir?" The nurse asked. "I- uhh just wanted to comfort her" Niall said walking over to me. "Okay but stay quiet?" the nurse said. Niall walked over and sat down on my bed next to me. I looked at the door and saw Harry staring at us. As soon as our eyes met he shook his head and walked away. I looked up at Niall, he had seen the whole thing. "So Harry kissed you?" Niall said looking down. "Mhmm" I said. I knew he was just trying to distract me from the needle that was about to go into my arm. "Well?" Niall said. "Well what?" I said looking into his blue eyes, "Well you have an opinion on everything why are you all quiet now?" Niall said. "I don't know... I just don't really- Ow!" the pain of the needle was pretty bad but without Niall it would have been much worse. "Don't worry, its all over" The nurse said smiling. I looked down at my shot which was now covered with a taz band-aid. I was glad they still gave me those things. "Is she allowed to go for a stroll?" Niall asked. "Yes, but not too far just down to the little pond near the coffee shop." The nurse said smiling before she left.  "Want to go?" Niall said. "Yes please" I said standing up, "let me just change". I changed into my favorite khaki shorts and light blue button up with sperrys. Paul had dropped off some of my clothes knowing I would be here for a few days.  

*Nialls Pint of View*

Audrey and I walked to the nearby coffee shop and I got a Java Chip Frappacino and she got a Mango smoothie since the nurses said she couldnt have an immense amount of caffine yet. We walked down to the pond and sat down on a bench which was stationed right next to the water. The whole walk had been silent and I hadn't been able to keep my midn off the Harry thing. "Did you like it?" I said. "Like what?" Audrey said raising her eyebrows as she took another sip of her smoothie. "When Harry kissed you, did you like it?" I said not trying to sound too nosey. "I dont know," She started. I looked at a duck squaking in the water. What if she did like him, and they started dating. "I definitly dont have feelings for him, but-" "But what?" I said. "What dont you like about him? Hes perfect! Hes got the right hair and the right body whats not to like about him?" I said sitting up. "Hes just not really what I look for in a boyfriend." She said calmly. "What do you look for in a boyfriend?" I said calming myself down, I didn't want her to think I cared to much even though I did. "I dont know, someone whos nice and sweet and fun. I really want a guy who will be able to cuddle with me when I'm sad but push me when I'm wimping out of something you get to do once, but mostly I want a guy who will make me laugh." She said looking across the water. "And I dont want to be too picky but I'm sure hes out there somewhere." She said smiling. I smiled too, I wanted to be that caring man for her and help her when shes sad but I think she only saw me as a friend.

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