Double date Deathboy

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Anubis and Nico are standing side by side but keep to themselves and don't really seem to notice each other while waiting for their dates that went to order something to drink.

A couple of girls walk in and notice the two identical looking cute guys standing off to the side and walk over and start flirting with them.

"Hey, are you guys twins?"

Caught off guard they look up a little confused and look at each other and just shake their heads in response.

"Really, you must be brothers though you look so much alike!"

More confused silence.

"How about grabbing a cup with me and my friend here?" one asks as she reaches out to grab Nico's hand which he pulls away gently and tucks into his pocket.

"Uh no thank you, I'm here with someone."

The other girl looks at Anubis then.

"That's okay; you're still welcome to join us." she gives him a hopeful smile but he shakes his head at the two of them.

"I'm here with someone too."

The girls look like they want to say something but before they can two voices call out in unison.


Nico and Anubis both look up at the same time.

Will comes over and holds out a cup to him and takes hold of his free hand smiling, a brilliant smile on his face and Nico has a shy smile on his face in return which he tries to hide by taking a drink of his coffee.

Sadie hands a similar cup to Anubis at the same time.

"Here I didn't know what you would like so I got you a vanilla latte."

He accepts the cup smiling at her.

"Thank you."

She tries to play it off as no big deal by drinking from her own cup, meanwhile the two girls look confused and a little disappointed.

"So wait you're on a double date? Sorry we didn't mean to bother you." They quickly walk away a little embarrassed muttering something about 'Hot brothers...' 'Too good to be true...' 'Should have known...' 'Just had to be gay...'

"What was that about?" Will asks as he watches them leave and Nico shrugs and drinks a bit more of his coffee.

"They said they wanted us-" he indicated Anubis standing next to him, "-to join them for coffee, asked if we were twins."

Sadie snorts when she heard that.

"You do look a lot alike, but I doubt there's any family ties."

Anubis seems to think it over though.

"Perhaps distant cousins?"

They all look at him for some sort of explanation. He looks at Nico with a knowing glint in his eye.

"Child of the underworld."

Nico and Will look shocked, Sadie looks at them trying to figure out who they might be.


Anubis shakes his head though.


Will seems to recover from the shock first.

"H-how... how did you know?"

Sadie looks confused now "Wait there's a connection between you and Greek Gods now?" Anubis nods.

"Wait, what? What gods are you related to?"

Will asks trying to follow what they were saying.

"Egyptian Gods, though he's actually one, I'm just a magician." Sadie says as if it makes perfect sense.

"Okay then..." So there were Egyptian Gods and magicians too? Why not? Nico thought to himself.

"Well why don't we head to the park and talk some more? I'd like to learn more about other Gods wouldn't you Neeks?" Will asks with a cheerful smile.

"Sure." Nico says and Sadie nods in agreement.

"Sounds cool." So they leave the coffee shop and head to the park nearby to sit and talk.

Double date deathboyWhere stories live. Discover now