A Sacrifice

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I opened my eyes and I was back in my new room. My mom was bent over me. "Good morning sweetheart" she whispered and kissed me on the cheek. "Breakfast is ready" she announced. "Thanks mom" I said and suddenly panicked. "Where is Marcus?" I was ready to jump or run. "In the living room" my mom answered calmly. A thousand bricks where lifted of my shoulders. I tried to stand up but fell back in bed. "Here let me help you into the wheelchair" my mom began to fiddle with the chair and my memories floated back. I could see clear pictures of the car coming towards me. Then I saw it, a gray wheelchair standing at the end of my bed. I smiled to myself. It was totally worth it. "Push me in to Marcus, please" I said when I sat secure in my chair. She nodded and drove me out.

"Hi Marcus" I smiled and hugged him. I felt a tear running down my face. Now I could hug him as much as I wanted and know that it wouldn't be the last time. "Are you ok?" He asked and dried the tear of my cheek. "I'm just happy that you're alive" I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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