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Bonjour! My book is slowly becoming more and more French. Don't be surprised if they like actually go to France or something later on. I warned you. Anyway, to the chapter! Oh wait hold on. I kinda forgot to mention this because I'm an idiot but this book is inspired by and dedicated to Rose di Angelo aka Winter_Wolf_101 so yeah go check her out cuz she makes actual good books. Okay now on to the chapter!


*Le time skip to the next Monday*

I woke up feeling no pain, which was very unusual for me. I began to roll out of the blanket burrito I had slept in (I told you I would put it in Rose XD) when I ever so gracefully fell onto the floor.
You idiot! You know not to make so much noise in the morning. Or at night. Or any time ever. Are you trying to get yourself killed?!
I stood up as quick as I could and ran out of the bedroom. Nervous he would wake up, I scrambled around the entire house so I could get ready quickly. In a matter of five minutes, I had taken a shower, put my signature black clothes on, made toast, ate said toast, put all my books in my backpack, and ran out the door. Even though the bus wouldn't be there for half an hour and Hazel had left for her dorm the night before so she couldn't take me. Whatever. It still beats worrying about every thing I do in the house. I pulled out my phone and earbuds and played Satellite by Gabbie Hanna. I started tapping my foot to the rhythm.
Man, for a depressing song about feeling alone and isolated, it's so upbeat. That's the best type of song. The ones that seem fine and dandy until you actually pay attention for once and listen to what they're saying. I continued thinking about how good this song is, because it's seriously amazing, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I sighed and pulled out my left earbud to listen to whoever deemed what they had to say necessary enough to interrupt my music. I was very shocked to see the same new idiot kid.
"Hello! So we never were properly introduced. I'm Will Solace. And you are?"
I scoffed and put my earbud back in.
"Oh come on! What did I do? Why won't you talk to me?" I heard the strange person yell.
Oh you're such an idiot. You did nothing. It's just me and my horrible life. You're better off staying away from me before you get hurt. Like everyone else.
I pulled out a Post-It note and wrote down a short explanation for "Will."
'You did nothing. I'm mute. I can't talk and my foster parents don't care enough to pay for ASL lessons. You actually don't seem that bad.'
"Oh. That makes more sense, I guess. But, umm... I could... teach you? If you want? I know it because my mother works with ESS kids so she had to learn ASL and she thought I should know it, and now I'm rambling on and I seem like an idiot and holy hell how do I stop this I can't stop talking help me ahhhh-" he said before I clamped my hand over his mouth.
"Thanks for that." he sheepishly replied.
'It's no big deal. And that would be great. Thank you for offering. Especially since we hardly even know each other.'
"Yeah... that's kinda the point. I was hoping I could learn more about you. You seem... interesting."
Well would you look at that? He thinks I'm interesting. Wait, I shouldn't be happy about that. He can't get close to me! He'll just leave me like everyone else. Shut up, brain! Stop feeling this weird emotion!

BOOM NEW CHAPTER DONE! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting. It's really appreciated. Okay, until next update!
Au Revoir,

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