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A/N: I'm so glad to have such nice people reading my books. Y'all are so sweet I love you all. Also I've been reading the comments from last chapter and it's good to see everyone hates Octavian as much as I do lmfao.
*chapter brought to you by roman aka Winter_Wolf_101 bc I had severe writers block and he gave me an idea for this chap you're welcome go check him out for some actual good stuff*
ok huge-ass a/n is over now onto the story
While walking home from school, I heard someone yelling behind me. I stopped and turned around to see none other than Will sprinting towards me. However, he didn't stop quick enough so he barreled straight into me. We both went tumbling towards the concrete and we landed with Will on top of me (bc Will tops obvi XD). He quickly shot up, dusted himself off, and held his hand out to lift me up.
"Sorry about that." He blushed, clearly embarrassed. Without any paper to write on or any other form of communication, I have to resort to shaking my head and hoping he gets the memo. He seems to understand as he stops blushing and continues to talk to me.
"So, you still haven't taken me up on my offer to teach you sign language." After a few seconds of me trying to gesture some sort of response he gasped and said "oh right! You can't speak! Hold on a second." He took off his bookbag and rummaged through it until he produced a leather notebook and a pencil. He handed them to me and I quickly wrote down my thoughts.
'Oh yeah. To be honest, I completely forgot about that. Sorry.'
"It's fine. So, how about you come to my place Saturday at around 1:30?"
'But I don't know your address.'
He took the notebook, scribbled out where he lived, and handed it back to me.
"See you then."
I nodded my head a bit too enthusiastically.
He smiled and jogged back the other way.
I walked up the steps to the foster house. There was a blue sedan in the driveway, which was rather odd but I didn't care. I opened the front door. Hazel stood in the kitchen, staring at the granite counter. When she heard the door open, her head whipped up and looked at me. She mounted one word;

Sorry for the short chapter. But what's going to happen? Nobody knows.  Until next update
Au revoir

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