Soarin's confession

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One Blush and now what?

By StarDAy

Chapter 7-Soarins Confession

The wind was misty, but not to cold. It was a full moon tonight, the stars were dazzling like a thousand white fireworks. The stars looked like little crystals like from the Crystal Empire. Rainbow spotted a cloud nearby and decied to take a little break. Soarin stopped along with her and sat close next to her. Rainbow shivered a bit and Soarin put his wing around her pulling her in closer to him looking away from the Rainbow when he pulled her in.

"Hey Soarin, thanks for everything." Rainbow replied softly nearly making a voice crack.

"It's okay Rainbow, you're everything to me and I want to make you happy." Soarin replied and blushed away from her.

"Soar, what wrong? Was it about the dinner, i-is it me?"

Soarin looked back at her shocked she said such a thing. "No nothings wrong and its not you, its me. Rainbow I can't hide this from you forever, this is what I wanted to talk to you about but I just felt like at the dinner it wasn't the right time yet."

Rainbow shot her eyes open wide of what Soarin just said to her. "W-what d-do y-you mean?" Rainbow struggled to ask.

Soarin took a deep breath gathering up all of his courage to tell Rainbow the truth. "Rainbow, I'm not to sure how you will take this but I-I-I love you." She was shocked at what Soarin said. "And I mean it, I really do. Since a long time ago I've liked you since the royal wedding when we danced together, for me it was like I was dancing with the prettiest mare in all of Equestria. When I saw you all those times, I knew we would meet again and again and now we see each other like everyday. You're pretty, kind, loyal, one of the best fliers I've ever seen, cute, funny, smart, I always love hearing your voice, you have the most prettiest eyes which twinkles so bright, I would do anything in all of Equestria to do anything for you, and the most beautifulest one ever. You treat your wings like a gift all the time and whenever I see you fly in the air I always see an angel up over there. I'm not sure if you feel the same way as I do but I don't ask for your love in return, I-I'm sorry I told you this. You probably hate me now,"

Rainbow stayed still for a couple of minutes seeing Soarin nearly flying away but she grabbed his hoof quickly responding. "Hey, don't you go anywhere you big goof," She grabbed him back to the same cloud. Rainbow was nearly sobbing that Soarin had said that last bit to her.
"Now its my turn to talk here. I love you as well, I feel the same way like you. I'm shocked that you feel for me like this as well but its a good one. I love you to pieces, I love how you protect me, comfort me, your really goofy, funny, cute, really hot, strong, handsome, and I just love everything about you Soarin. I have since recently really that I jumped ahead of myself but I had a question in my head every night was if you felt the same way for me like I do I feel that your half of me and whenever we fly together, you always give me the confidence to do my best weather you say it or not but I always know that you are there supporting me with whatever I do. What I'm saying is, I really do love you." She finally did it, confessed her love to him. Tear drops were dropping from her rosey eyes, they were happy tears though. She moved closer and closer to him they were nearly inches apart from each other.

They were breathing heavily shutting their eyes, their lips connecting to each other.

Their kiss felt like an entirity to them they pulled each other in closer inside their mouths, Soarin felt an invader into her mouth which of course was Rainbow trying to find her lovers tounge so they can connect. It was the most magical kiss Rainbow and Soarin had ever felt before and wished this moment never ever ended. Minutes passed by they stopped making-out with each other and looked into their eyes smiling happily.

"Was that the best moment of your life hot stuff?" Rainbow asked.

"Yea, it definitely was. So what are we now Rai---MMPPHHH?" SOarin was interuppted by Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow giggled in response but then spoke. "Shhh you, call me Dashie from now on will ya?"

Soarin chuckled back to her, "Sure Dashie---wo, what are you doing?" Soarin questioned.

Rainbow was on top of Soarin laying her light body onto his feeling pretty ticklish"Oh I'm just getting started. I've waited way too long for this which feels like an eternity here. But before I start though, I was wondering if you wanted to be my---"

"I'd love to and I want you to be my marefriend, come here Dashie." Soarin replied dragging her in for another kiss on the lips. They were there the whole night whole night making love with each other they finally confessed and now this was just a new chapter for the two lovers.

"So Twilight, Fluttershy, you two were saying their date was----wha???" Spitfire replied.

"What, what, what? Oh, Pinkie and Rarity are totally going to love this right Fluttershy, Fluttershy, FLUTTERSHY?? ARE YOU ALIVE!!!!" Twilight shouted at Fluttershy. She was waving her hoof around to get the buttered coated mares attention. "I think shes zoned out here."

"Oh hoho, I'm definitely going to love this. Wait till next season here, hehehe" Fleetfoot chuckled.

"And she's lost it," Spitfire sarcastically said.

"UHHHH, what did it take for Rainbow to crush on Soarin?" Fluttershy asked.

"I think it just took one blush?" Spitfire replied

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