Chapter 8 ||Frank

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Frank Zhang wanted Hazel, and he wanted her now.

She was the rock that grounded him on earth, not letting him drift into the very welcoming realm of insanity. Reyna was a great partner, a helpful friend and a knowledgeable instructor, but she didn't have Hazel's patience or kindness. And right now that was exactly what Frank needed.

Unfortunately, Hazel had left Camp Jupiter two days ago under the insistence of her brother, and it was he who returned to warn them of the mortals, not her. Frank wondered when she would come home. He needed his rock.

The recently proclaimed Praetor stormed into his chambers inside the underground base beneath New Rome. He had no idea the compound existed until the emergency arose. The evacuation of the legion and people of the city was orderly, fast and effective, led by Frank but mostly Reyna. Her voice resonated over the loudspeakers that riddled the tunnels, calming and instructive.

She was always so sure of herself, so assertive even under pressure. Frank wasn't.

Frank unbuckled the sword sheath that hooked onto his belt and tossed it onto his bed, collapsing on top of it barely a second later. He lay still staring at the stone ceiling, honeycombed with cracks, staining the ceiling like fresh scars. Frank wanted more than anything to just lie there and fall asleep, then wake up back in the world of sunlight, on a picnic with Hazel or maybe playing War Games.

There was a resounding knock on his door, a sharp rap that rang off the wood like a cymbal. Frank groaned quietly. He sat up and straightened his Praetors cape, trying to look as official as he could.

'Come in.'

The door creaked open and a familiar face peeped through the gap. Frank jumped off the bed and ran over, flinging the door open all the way and gathering Hazel up in his arms. He was going to squeeze her to death, then travel to the Underworld to bring her back again.

'Ah!' Hazel choked. 'Okay, love you too, Frank, but I do need to breathe.'

'No you don't,' Frank announced, but he loosened his grip slightly. 'No breathing for you.'

Hazel laughed and it was the most beautiful sound Frank had ever heard. Like everything bad in the world was melting away, leaving only happiness.

'I'm not dead anymore,' Hazel reminded him with a giggle. 'And the living still need to breathe.'

'But I need to hug you to death,' Frank whined, pulling back and putting on a sulky face.

Hazel cracked like an egg, leaning over and clutching at her stomach with one hand on the door frame to keep her balanced. Her laugh made Frank's insides glow; he loved it when he made her laugh.

'So, what's my brave leader up to today?' Hazel wondered, slipping under Frank's arm and crossing the room to sit on the hard bed. 'Fighting a giant serpent? Or maybe rescuing a damsel in distress?' She mimicked fainting across the bed, then she jerked back up again. 'Or maybe even,' she shuddered, 'dealing with Octavian?'

Frank chuckled as he leant up against the closed door, happily accepting a little relaxation.

'No,' he admitted. 'But I do have a meeting with Reyna and the senators later today.' He slid down the door until he hit the floor and his head banged lightly against the wood. 'It's exhausting.'

Hazel smiled kindly, 'No one said being Praetor was easy. And if it helps, I know about the meeting because I'm coming too.'

Frank jolted upright, a sudden warmth inflating his stomach like a helium balloon, 'You are?'

She nodded, 'Mm hm. Think of me as one half of Camp Half-Bloods ambassador. Nico's back on the other side. The two of us are all the communication we have left, since Iris message aren't working.'

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