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Jake's POV...
I wake up to my alarm beeping in my ear... Wait a minute I know that song... Who changed my alarm to mine and Johnnie's song Curiosity Kills??? I start thinking over who had my phone in the past day, Johnnie, Alex, Hair Jordan... Fuck I'm going to kill Jordan... He knows I don't like people changing my shit around.... I reach over and flick it off and I hear a chuckle "Really Jake, I know you love yourself but are you that self obsessed that you have to have your own song as your alarm?" Shit I forgot I was sleeping at Johnnie and Alex's place... "Jordan fucked with my phone last night when he was playing on a game" I say while yawning "What I didn't do anything Jake, how can you blame me" Double shit I forgot Jordan Sweeto was here too "I meant Hair Jordan not u Jordan..." I say hoping to make sense "Jake want coffee?" I hear Alex ask cheerfully I swear this girl knows me better than my best friend "What sort of question is that Alex you already know the answer" I say and start shuffling towards her to grab a cup "Seriously guys I don't know how you can drink that, it's horrible!" Jordan exclaims and I pick up my phone shuffling outside. "Be back in a few guys I need to make a phone call" I say "Okay!" They all reply simultaneously which is scary... That has always scared me I sigh and slide down the wall outside Johnnie and Alex's place. I place my cup on the ground and scroll through my phone until I find the number I was searching for and press dial. I bring my phone upto my ear and listen to the dial tone waiting for an answer "Hey Jake how are you?" Is what the call is answered with "Hey im alright thanks but your not going to be" I say pretending to have sadness lacing ny voice "Oh whats wrong?" They asked me and I smirk "you messed with my phone Jordan now I get to mess with you... You are so dead when I see you" I hear a laugh on the other side "So you figured out it was me" he says chuckling "Yeah... I dont mean it man just why?" I ask "It wasn't my idea dude... You fell asleep and they told me too..." He says and I drop my smirk "Oh okay thanks Hair... I'll talk to you later bro thanks" I say hanging up, I pick up my cup and gulp down the last of my coffee. I sigh and stand up, walking back inside everyone turns and looks at me and waves me over. I walk over to see they are all playing Call of Duty on ps4 I smile and pick up a controller this is my revenge...

Three hours later still in Jake's POV "No fair Jake you cheated" I have Johnnie yelling at me and both Jordans are lauging with Alex and I shrug, Hair Jordan had come over not long after our phone call "Prove it Johnnie prove it dude" I say and he storms away suddenly I have an idea "hey guys who's up for pizza and Nightmare before Christmas?" I say while standing up and stretching, they all look at me horrified at all the pops and clicks that they hear when I stand "Meeeeee!!!" They all yell and I hear Johnnie come running "me" he states while sitting beside Alex and kissing her cheek. I smile and walk over to my phone to order the pizza "what sort of pizza do you guys want?" I ask I hear Cheese And Pepperoni so I go with 2 of each and a few bottles of drink "the pizza will be here in about a hour" I say sitting down and they all nod as hair Jordan plays the movie...

Hey guys just a quick authors note, this is exactly what the title says, it's an expirement... I'm not too sure what I am doing I never normally write fan fics but if you guys are enjoying it let me know by voting and commenting what you think... The comments will help me write more I have another fan fic based upon Jordan Sweeto so go check it out it's called Jordan Sweeto, My Secret, My Lover... It's based upon Jordan and one of his fans getting together... Not a true story it is completely made up... All the names are coincidental except the owa lot, Jake, Jordan, Kyle, Johnnie, Alex and Jeydon... Hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want more written

Jake Bateman, Play Boy or one Man Man?Where stories live. Discover now