Chapter 15: Finally home.

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Chapter 15: Finally home.

  I slept the whole time on the plane. Sleeping felt nice, I could escape reality for just a little while. I was really happy about getting to see my parents again, but i was really sad that I left all the other boys. I'm really going to miss them. Hell, I already do miss them. 

To: Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn. 

I miss you! I miss you all! I love you. 

From Louis: 

Aww babe, I miss you and love you too. 

From Niall: 

I miss your cooking. Kidding, i miss you and your cooking. 

From Zayn: 

I miss you too. See you soon? 

From Liam: 

We all miss you, including Harry. He's been crying all day. 

To Liam: 

I'm sorry Liam, but i really don't care. He's the one that hurt me. 

To Zayn: 

I'm not coming back till the tour starts, maybe a little sooner, but that's our secret, got it badboy? 

To Niall: 

When i get back, i will cook you whatever you want, okay? 

To Louis: 

Good. I think i miss you the most of all. 

  The other boys stopped texting, maybe they got busy. Louis continued to text me. 

Louis: Why's that? 

Me: I felt closest to you, i don't know why. 

But deep down, i knew why. I've had a crush on him since the beginning. Now, don't go thinking that i'm already moving on. I've just felt this connection between me and Louis for quite sometime. The plane landed and my sister and i shuffled off of it. We grabbed our bags, and headed towards the exit. I couldn't wait to see my parents again. I really did miss my parents. 

  We hailed down a taxi and told him the address. The ride wasn't that long. We pulled up to the familiar house that I know. Our parents were waiting outiside for us.  We got out and ran to them. 

 Harry's Pov  

  It's been a day since she's been gone, and i already miss her like crazy. I can't believe that i messed up that bad. I wasn't expecting her to want to go home. I don't want to do anything, I'm trying to be social because we are at Louis's house, but i really don't want to talk to anyone. The boys keep telling me that i have to, because i am the one that did this, and they are right. I'm the one that made the mistake, i shouldn't be this upset about her choice. Maybe, all i need is another girlfriend to get my mind off all this. Maybe, i could call the girl that kissed me, she would want to be my girlfriend.  

  I looked through my phone and found the contact i was looking for. Her name was Clarissa. To be completley honest, she is really ugly, but she would easily give it up to me whenever i wanted it. 

Me: Hey babe. ;) 

Clarissa: What's up, Sexy? 

Me: Wanna meet up? 

Clarissa: Sure. ;) 

Louis's Pov 

  Harry just left to go meet a girl, the same girl he cheated on Dylan with. I actually couldn't believe it. It's like he never even cared about Dylan. I knew i should of been the one to date her. She is beautiful. I liked her as soon as i saw her. She was so perky, and happy all the time. I wanted to be with her, but Harry insisted that he really liked her, and she really seemed to like him. So i backed off, maybe this is my chance. Maybe, me and Dylan could have a shot now. 

  I found all the boys, except for Harry of course. They knew the whole time that I had a thing for Dylan. "So you all know that I had a thing for Dylan," I asked. They all nodded, "Well, i still do. I think i'm going to fly down there and talk to her, tell her how much she means to me," I said. They all smiled, "Good idea mate, but how do you think Harry is going to feel," Niall asked. "Well Harry is off with the girl that he cheated on her with, so i think that he's already moved on," I said. I got my phone out to text Dylan. 

Me: Are you home? 

Dylan: Yes. 

Me: Okay i have a surprise for you. 

Dylan: Really? 

Me: Yeah, you'll get it in a few days. I miss you. 

Dylan: Okay, I miss you too. Goodnight. 

Me: Night. 

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