53. "I Wish I was the One..." - Luke Imagine

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I flopped onto the lounge after Y/N— my best friend and roommate — left for her date with her jerk of a boyfriend. She deserved so much better than him, he treated her like dirt and I hated it. I could see she was going to get hurt badly one day.

She came home crying last week because he made a snarky comment about her weight, it took every bone in my body to not punch him in the face. And she was going out with him again tonight. I wi never understand what she saw in him.

I waited for her to come home, it felt like an eternity before I heard her car pull up in the driveway. Her keys jingling in the lock, I stayed seated making sure I didn’t look too eager to see her. She rounded the corner, mascara stains down her pink cheeks. I jumped up hugging her, she sobbed into my chest. Before I could catch the words they had already been said. “Shh, shh, baby it’s okay.” She leant back, looking up at me confused. “I’m sorry, what happened?” I asked trying to divert the conversation. “I-I… He was with another woman, she was in his bed…” She whimpered out her speech cut off by sobs. I knew it. My hands went to her face, wiping the tears away. “If he does that he doesn’t deserve you. You deserve someone so much better.” I said, my heart pounding in my chest worried what she would think about what I’m going to say. “Y/N you are too good for so many guys. And I hate that I’m not good enough for you, I wish I could be the one to be picking you up for a date, I wish I could kiss you good morning and good night. I wish I could make you feel as beautiful as you are. I wish I could make you moan my name at a single touch. I wish I was the one for you. And I wish you were mine and I was yours.” I said, her arms tightening around my waist. She didn’t say anything, her face pressed to my chest. “Please Y/N say something… You’re scaring me.” I pleaded, she looked up at me; her face expressionless. “Luke, don’t you ever say that you are not good enough.” She said, giving me the fright of a lifetime. “But I’m not, sure I’m better than the dickhead that cheated on you but… I’m not that great.” I shrugged, she smiled. “You would never ever cheat, disrespect me or hurt me. You are good enough… You’re too good.” She concluded, I smiled. “Oh and we’ll leave the moaning for a bit okay?” She joked, I smirked nodding. “We’ll see.” I replied, Y/N lightly nudged me, we moved over to the lounge. Her small body curling up against mine, it felt like she fit there like a puzzle piece. I turned to look at her, she smiled up at me. Even though her make up was a mess she still looked gorgeous. “Can I try something?” She whispered, sitting up a little, I nodded. “Don’t freak out on me.” She warned, I smiled. My heart picking tip speed again when she pressed her lips to mine in a sweet, chaste kiss. “You don’t need to be wishing anymore Luke.” She whispered, her lips softly grazing mine; sending shivers up my spine. “Really?” I asked pulling away, she nodded. “Yes Luke. Can we keep it quiet for a while though?” She asked, I nodded knowing what her ex would do if he knew she was in another relationship straight away. She curled up against me again, I had never felt more relaxed in her presence. And I was so glad. She would finally be my girlfriend and that was all I could wish for.

A/N: Sorry it’s short and also if there are any mistakes I’m sorry for that too! haha Anyway hope you like it!

~ Lucy xx

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