1 - My new flatmate

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I tried something different this time - you'll see. I really hope you like it! xx

Dedicated to nobnoxiouspisces - I mean, I had to do this, love :) You helped me SO MUCH with this one by saying that you love it, so thanks for encouraging me once again! LOVE YOU!!! You are the BEST!! <3

Okay, one thing left to say:

ANT - like this (normal)

DEC - like this (bold)


So he moved here about 3 weeks ago, for college. Somehow it feels though that I've known him forever, we immediately clicked. I know that sounds like a cliché that only happens in movies, but it's true.

He seems a bit innocent and shy still, but I have to tell you: Still water runs deep. And that's certainly the case with him. He seems shy and quiet at first, but once you get to know him he is one ball of energy and with the people he is comfortable with he is warm and friendly. With me it's mainly the same thing. But I don't seem shy at first, I seem miserable and people don't like me. Well, you are the one to judge here. With him, it's different. People think he is cute and just a bit coy.

Maybe that is why we clicked. Or maaaybe it is our same origin and our love for Newcastle United, could be that, you are right. On the first night he moved in, I went over to him to see how he was doing and we ended up talking for 3 hours straight. Can you believe that? 3 hours. Three, in a word, just to emphasise it. Nothing like that ever happened to me before and it is just amazing. I have never met someone I clicked with so quickly.

I helped him a lot in settling in, you know? He isn't really domestic, he can't cook and he has no idea how to do the laundry and stuff. But I don't blame him, he was the baby of the family, so I help him out whenever I can. And I tell you, it's quite cute that he really can't do anything. Like basic stuff, you should have seen his face when I taught him how to boil spaghetti. It was like an epiphany for him.

Oh, have I mentioned how he looks like 5 years younger than his age? But he is actually 2 months older than me, would you believe that? Well, nobody does. But I love his baby face somehow, he looks quite cute, I have to admit.

I am a bit worried that I fall for him. Or that I already have, we just have so much in common, it's ridiculous. And I love the fact that we can talk for hours on end, I never have experienced that with someone else in my life. Let alone with someone I only know for 3 weeks now.

I haven't told him yet that I am gay. We haven't talked about that stuff yet and I am a bit afraid that it puts him off. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem to come out to anybody really by now. If they don't accept it, they can piss off. But he is so important to me already and you are always scared about the reactions of people you are close to the most, aren't you? I remember coming out to my mum 5 years ago and how much I struggled until I got those words out. In the end it was of course all fine and I hadn't expected it to be any different to be honest, but just the step of really doing it is hard.

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