7 || the girl who lost her charm

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           ♥ CHAPTER SEVEN ♥

     The Girl Who Lost Her Charm


[ summer ]

    Two words: Charm Bracelet.

    Sitting up from my freshly-made bed, my eyes roam around my spacious bedroom. All my bags were opened, clothes were thrown on the floor, and things were scattered here and there. I only noticed it went missing when I was eating dinner with my family (Brenda and Farrah included) two hours ago. I’ve asked every person in this house if they’ve seen a small, golden charm bracelet but unluckily, all the answers I received were ‘Nope, Sorry Sum.’, ‘No, but I’ll help you look for it if you want.’, ‘Sorry darling, I haven’t seen it.’ ,‘Go look for it yourself, not my fault you’re so forgetful.’

     The last response was from Seth, of course.

    “Argh! Where is it?” I yelled, racking my brain for possible answers. Was it lost? Was it stolen? Did I leave it somewhere? I don’t think so. I haven’t even taken it off!

    I’ve already searched this room, and even the entire building yet I still can’t find that goddamn bracelet! Maybe this is a sign, maybe God is telling me that I should let go of the past, to forgive my father and finally live without hatred at everyone and everything—even myself. But signs are bullshit; I shouldn’t even consider the thought of forgiving and forgetting all that has been done to me.

   “I give up,” I groaned in exhaustion as I threw myself angrily on my bed, landing on a pile of pillows. Then, a thought crossed my mind.

    Could it possibly be in the beach?

    No, I can’t go back there right now. It would be too much of a hassle. But... no, I have to find it as soon as possible.

    With my mind already made up, I grab my phone and my favourite beige sweater before running downstairs. “Bracelet...beach...be right back!” I told my mom hurriedly when she asked me where the heck I was going alone at a time like this.

    I wrapped my sweater around me as soon as the cold night air blasted past me when the door opened. Looking back, I closed the door quickly but to my surprise, a motorcycle was blocking our driveway.

    Though it was black like the dark clouds that loomed over me, it was as shiny as the stars that scattered above the night’s sky. I took three steps down and got a closer look at the vehicle.

    “Oh my god, it’s a—”

   “An MTT Turbine Streetfighter,” said a familiar masculine voice that could easily make girls swoon. “With a Rolls Royce Turbine Engine,” he added braggingly. I turned my back and there he was wearing a white singlet beneath his unzipped red hoodie, leaning ever so nonchalantly on one of the posts supporting the house’s gate; arms crossed, lips smirked, gaze dangerously on me.

   “Miss me already?” I asked in a cocky manner as I raised an eyebrow.

    He pushed himself from the post and came closer, “Actually, I think it’s the other way around.”

   “Huh?” his reply confused me.

    “I may have underestimated you, Miss Reynolds. Leaving this,” I gasped when he raised the hand that was behind his back, revealing my lost bracelet dangling in the air, “behind for me to find was genius.”

    “What are you talking about? I didn’t leave it, it must’ve...” I paused, conjuring up possibilities. “It must’ve gotten loose and taken off when I fell off the hammock. Give it back, that’s mine!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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