Part Four

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I enter the hotel room, I had to get the room number from Billy. John didn't tell me. Bad John. Wish I could punish him.

I shake my head, this needs to stop. I'm on a case, I can't keep thinking of John that way. My mind needs to be free for case solving.

"Sherlock?" John turns from his spot on the bed, raising an eyebrow at me. "What are you doing here?"

"This is our room, right?" I ask, confused by his confusion.

"Yes, but you never sleep on a case. You're up all night, figuring things out" John uses some weird wavy hand gestures as he frowns.

"We have little evidence, and everyone is sleeping. Dull lives people have" I say, still standing by the door. I then take in the one double bed. "Oh, dear.."

"What?" John asks.

"Hmm" I shake my head "No, this isn't going to work" I gesture to the bed.

Johns eyes light up in realisation. "Well, we're friends.. We'll manage. Just stay on your side" John chuckles.

"No, no. I'm a blanket hog and like to be in the centre of the bed"

John huffs "Well you'll just have to deal with it"

"Hmm.." This won't end well.

All my desires and now I have to share a bed with man that sits at the top of the list. Plus, I naturally hug when I'm asleep and have company.

"What's the issue now?

I wasn't too sure what else I could say. So I went with the truth

"I, erm, get cuddly when I have company at night" I looked down, it wasn't something I liked to admit.

John started to laugh "Really?"

"Shut up"

"The great Sherlock Holmes likes to cuddle?" John was getting red now from all the laughing.

"Shut up!" I snap, blushing.

Oh crap. Stop blushing. Sherlock stop blushing! I will myself to stop blushing. Sherlock Holmes does not blush, I tell myself. Expect when it involves John, a small voice in the back of my head whispered.

"Shut up" I hiss, more to myself.

John continues to laugh but cuts himself off when he looks up at me. "Sherlock.. Are you blushing?" He grins, enjoying this.

"No" I answer despite the fact my face was burning.

I silently curse my pale skin, I'm probably bright red right now.

John turns, crossing his legs as he sits on the bed, facing me. "You are, Sherlock"

"Shut up" I repeat, crossing my arms.

"Don't sulk" John says, slowly stopping his laughter.

I gasp, offended. "I don't sulk!"

John bits his lip, trying not to laugh again. "Sherlock, you could out sulk a three year old"

I don't say anything because I know he's right.

John pats the bed "C'mon, its late"

I bite my lip, avoiding eye contact. I feel my cheeks heat up again. "What about the cuddly part of me?"

"I, uh, suppose if we agree that we never mention it outside of this room.. I could deal with it" John coughs, a little uncomfortable.

"John, I won't be able to stop it once I'm asleep, I could ask Billy-"

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