Part Six

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Woah. What a night.

We've scared poor Henry half to death and now Sherlock was claiming to have seen the 'Hound'.

Honestly, I'm done. I can't bloody wait for this case to be over. Then we can go back to Baker Street and everything will be fine.

As angry as I am with the handsome- annoying, I meant annoying- detective, I was worried. Worried out of my mind. Sherlock was so... emotional back there. He seemed genuinely scared and afraid of this Hound that he'd supposedly seen.

A flick of light catches my attention then.

The Morse code. U M Q R A.

Without another thought, I set off to find the source.

It doesn't take long for me to make my way up the hill, but God I wish I didn't come here.

It some kind of meeting place for couples. To have sex.

"Oh God. Oh.. sh-"

Lovely. Just perfect. I thought I had found a clue to this case, but nope! It's just some sex deprived people who desperately want some action in the back seat.

Not needing to think about the decision, I turn and head back towards the hotel. It's not long before my phone goes off and flashes with Sherlock's name to show he'd sent me a message.

Henrys therapist currently in Cross Keys pub -S

I don't know whether to be annoyed he's not apologising or glad he's not mentioning our not-so-little argument.

Dismissing the thoughts, I text back.


Interview her?


[Downloading image...]

"Oh, you're a bad man" I whisper the words as a very pretty lady appears on the screen.

Once again, I'm not sure how to feel. Was this Sherlock's way of killing two birds with one stone? Was he telling me that he wasn't interested, by sending me on a date, or was it simply for the case?

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