Part Eight

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He got scared. I have a feeling that when he apologised for that he wasn't just talking about the case.

And I still can't believe he joked about getting somewhere with Henry's therapist. He knows bloody well she wasn't the one I was getting somewhere with.

John, focus, I tell myself and refocus on Lestrade, Gary and Billy.

Sherlock's next to me then, holding coffee out to me.

"What's this?" I ask, despite the obvious.

"Coffee. I made coffee" Sherlock speaks quietly as he meets my eyes.

Sherlock.. Made me coffee?

"You never make coffee" I reply, doubtful.

Is he...?

Is this because of the argument and.. everything?

"I just did. Don't you want it?" Sherlock asks, seeming determined to get me to drink the coffee he's made for me.

Sherlock is still trying to make up for it... He's trying to apologise.

"You don't have to keep apologising" Sherlocks looks away and I know he's really trying here. "Thanks" I nod and take a sip of the coffee. Ugh.. He's put sugar in it. "I don't take sugar" I remind him while trying not to wince at how sweet the drink tastes.

Sherlock looks away again. I can't tell if he's annoyed with me or himself. I suppose I should try harder to show him he's forgiven, for everything. Sherlock never tries this hard to apologise.

The fact I'm an exception makes my heart skip a beat.

The next time I raise the cup to my lips, I don't find the taste so appalling.

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