Sophia's home

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My mom wasn't going to pick me up because she is out of town for right now because of work. So my dad is going to pick me up. As i was looking i got a call from my mom:(mom)hey sweetheart,(me)hey mom whats up,(mom)well your dad is not going to pick you up,(me)what who is,(mom)well remember the new student,(me)yeah,(mom)well i know her mom and she is going to pick you up since dad isn't picking you up,(me)WHAT,(i yelled that by the way),(mom)ow my ears,(me)sorry oh wait I think I see her car bye love you,(mom)bye love you.That was the last thing I heard before Sophia yelled are you coming. Then I noticed something Sophia's mom looks so different the Sophia.(She's maybe adopted)I thought.2 HOURS LATER.2 hours had past my dad or mom hasn't come to pick me up.Then(ring ring ring ring) It was my mom,(me)sorry I have a call I'm gonna step out side,(Sophia)OK. (Me)hey mom when is dad gonna pick me up,(mom)well he's not,(me)what so who is gonna pick me up,(mom)no one your spending the night,(me)what I have nothing to do that,(mom)I'm gonna stop and drop stuff off for you,(me)OK what ever bye love you,(mom)your being picked up at 8:00 OK,(me)OK bye love you,(mom)bye love you.(phone call ends).(me thinking out load)I wonder if Sophia knows.(Sophia)what,(me)oh what nothing sorry,(Sophia) its OK so who was that,(does she know)(me) my mom,(Sophia)oh OK do you want to play out side,(me)sure.We'll me and Sophia were playing my mom stopped by and dropped off my stuff. It got to cold for us outside so we choose to go in and watch a movie,(me)let's watch a horror movie,(as I always want to),(Sophia)no not before bed,(me)fine then justice league,(Sophia)why not wonder,(me)do you really want to cry before bed,(Sophia)good point but do you want to be pumped before bed,(daring Sophia has a point),(me)lest do something else like Shrek,(Sophia)OK. That's were me and Sophia had are friend ship bloom. Of course we both fell asleep in are clothes.oops.By the time I woke up Sophia was up and eating breakfast.(Sophia)Good morning sleepy head how was sleeping,(i guess Sophia has the same since of humor as me,(me)good,(Sophia)That sounds convincing,(me)*eye roll* whats for breakfast?,(Sophia)usual,(me)OK, 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2017 ⏰

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