Kung Fu Panda 2: Tigress's POV

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Hello everyone I'm new at this website so I hope you guys like this you can find more of my stories in Fanfiction.net by the way anyways here it is.

Kung Fu Panda doesn't belong to me.

Dumpling Warrior

Hello everyone. I'm Master Tigress but you can call me Tigress. I'm a Kung Fu Master as you figured and live in the Jade Palace with the rest of the Furious Five and my father and grandmaster of the Palace, Shifu. Before that I lived in an orphanage. Bao Gou Orphanage. Believe me life wasn't easy there. Especially since everyone's afraid of you. Anyways I wasn't able to control my strength. I just wanted to play with the other kids in the orphanage. They called me "Monster" and other mean names. I began to think that I really was a monster until Shifu came. He came and helped me control my strength with a game of dominoes. It took me months to finally be able to control my strength. Although I accomplished to earn the kids trust and being able to play with them the grown ups were still to afraid of me. Why? I didn't really know I was like the only one left. Well that's what it looked liked. Until I saw Shifu after he placed a domino after mine. He took me home. The home I've lived in since I that day. Shifu wasn't the father I had expected sure we had our moments but he never was the father I had expected. I tried everything to get him to approve of me. I tried to show him that I am not a second Tai-Lung. I finally gave up around 7 and I started to punch trees. It was the best option I had. Around when I was 10-11 Viper came. She tried being nice to me but I was to busy training. We were later joined by Monkey. He tried playing pranks but me being completely aware of my surroundings was able to avoid his prank when tried painting us with pink paint when we walked through a door. I tried warning Viper but she just walked in there and was splashed with pink paint and had to wear it for weeks. A few days after Viper lost the paint Crane joined. He was very shy to be honest. He really didn't talk much. Viper and Monkey tried to talk to him but all we ever heard him say was 'Yes Master Shifu' or something when Shifu was telling us to go on a mission or when we had to go and get supplies down at the valley which was rarely. Mantis was the last one to join. He and Monkey teamed up and pulled a prank on Viper and Crane. And all I'll say is that they ended in bed for a couple of months. We trained together for years and we didn't even interact with each other. At least not socially. We only trained. Trained some more and more training. I had gotten used to it and I didn't mind. One day Oogway said he was going to choose the Dragon Warrior. After thousands of years of waiting. I thought back when I tried to make Shifu proud of me. This was my chance. A chance I could finally get Shifu's approval and love. A chance to be called daughter after 20 years of living under the same roof BUT a panda landed in front of me! He was chosen as the Dragon Warrior instead of ME! I can't say I blame him. He landed in front of me by accident. But my pride blinded me from appreciating him from the start and actually giving him a chance. I said mean things to him. Things I shouldn't of said. Things I wish I could take back. I refused to look at him in the eyes after he came back with Shifu after he defeated Tai-Lung. Although he said that he forgave me I could tell he wanted to hold it against me. I told him to admit that he hated me for what I said but no matter how many times I told him to admit it he didn't budge not even with threats. I then saw a sparkle in his eye that first night he officially and actually slept across the room. Although it meant nothing at the time. I believe it did. Something from him telling me 'It doesn't matter what you said to me that first night. I've been through it and I know you have too. But no matter what you say no matter how harsh I will always forgive you'. Every time he looks at me before going to bed he looked at me the same as if that night never happened. I kept calling him panda until he actually made me happy more than the day I smiled at him I called him by his name, Po. Although I regretted doing that because as soon as I said he had lights out! Opps! Monkey told me he was going to be ok. I actually got used to calling him Po. The second time I called him that I was thinking he was going to faint again but he didn't. I guess he got used to it too. Po and I went on many mission together and it helped me. Po and I got really close after a battle with Shen soo let me let you tell the story of how our relationship got closer during those few days...

"Come one Tigress!" Po encouraged.

"Po I said No" I told him with a smile. He just wouldn't stop bothering me. He wanted to break his record for how many bean buns he can stuff in his mouth.

"PWEASE" He asked making his adorable eyes. I still hadn't gotten used to them. We went on many mission with one another and every time I didn't agree to do something he would put those eyes. He's put them on me countless of times and I'm still not used to them.

"Fine" I sighed in defeat.

"YES!" He cheered and grabbed my paw and led me to the training hall. The rest of the of the Five were already there and were only waiting for us. "Ok the first one I want one of you to toss it in my mouth and don't worry I'll catch it" he said with confidence.

"Hey why don't you do Tigress?" Viper asked me.

"Me?" I said in disbelief.

"Yeah come on just toss one" Monkey agreed. Mantis and Crane nodding in agreement. I hesitated for a moment and them I saw Po nodding rapidly agreeing with them.

"Ok" I agreed I grabbed a dumpling and Po waited eagerly for it. When I tossed it I was surprised he did catch it. After Po stuffing a few more dumplings I actually started to have fun daring Po to put more in. It was like it was only me and Po there only I was telling to put more and the rest of the five were encouraging him.

"38 BEAN BUNS!" He shouted proudly. I smiled at him it wasn't that bad.

"You monster" Mantis said in amazement.

"Keep going hit 40!" Monkey finally dared.

"I'm gonna go for 40" Po said with his mouth full of bean buns as he was grabbing two more dumplings with his to chopsticks.

"DO IT!" I dared him again.

"You got it!" He said and put them in. We started in awe waiting to to see if would make it or not. I heard him grunting a little. "In a moment" He said and then he finally got it. Everyone cheered and I simply smiled.

"Way to go Po" Crane said as he came behind him gave him a pat on the back causing all the dumplings to come flying out of his mouth. Viper covered her face to avoid the dumplings hurling towards her. Monkey couldn't block them in time and it him knocking him to the floor. One dumpling bumped into Mantis casing him to stumble on the table for a few moments. I was able to block them all with my paws although it was a bit wet.

"Your training has paid off" I smiled. Po smiled back at me and just when I thought he was going to say something the gong signaling Po to go and see Master Shifu.

"Go to go see you later!" Po said as he ran to the door. Monkey cheered and I just saw him running towards him with a smile. "You'll save those for me right?" He asked before he left. I rolled my eyes with a smile. What can I say? That smile he brought back to me after 20 years.

"Crane why don't you go and scout the area?" I told him. Crane nodded and left still laughing to himself. Viper and I left while Monkey and Mantis figured out how they were going to put Po's dumpling in preserving without touching his 'germs'.

"Your training has paid off huh?" Viper said what I said to Po earlier.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh come on Tigress you know what I mean" Viper said smiling a little.

"No I don't" I said. I seriously don't know what she meant by that. Just as she was going say something Crane came in flying.

"There's bandits heading towards the musicians village" Crane said rapidly.

"Go on ahead I'll go and get Po." I said. "Crane come with me" They nodded and we went our separate ways Viper quickly getting Monkey and Mantis.

Well what do you think I hope you liked it. Leave a comment if you can thanks!

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