what are we?

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it wasn't unusual for you to be hanging out at finn's house, up in his room, lying in his bed, watching some dumb movie together

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it wasn't unusual for you to be hanging out at finn's house, up in his room, lying in his bed, watching some dumb movie together. but for some reason today felt different.

it felt calmer and more peaceful, blissful almost. maybe it was because you were lying comfortably on finn's chest listening to the soft thump of his heartbeat. or maybe it was because he was playing with your hair, softly and delicately almost like he could break you if he was any rougher. or possibly because you would occasionally look up at him to see him looking down at you with his face not only lit up by the sun shining on him, but by the big smile he flashed you. you were completely in a state of bliss.

any random person who didn't know you would probably assume that you two are dating if they had walked in on you two being all cuddled up and mushy. but you two in fact, are not dating. just 'good friends' as you like to put it. good friends who cuddle up on a bed together and act like a couple even though they aren't.

you frowned.

"finn?" you mumbled.

"hmm?" finn hummed in response.

"what is this?" you asked lifting up from his chest and resting on your elbow so you could look him in the eyes.

"what is what?" finn questioned with confusion written all over his face.

"this. us. what are we?" you sighed.

finn took a moment. visibly and very noticeably deep in thought.

"i guess, i guess we're whatever you want us to be." he answered avoiding eye contact with you.

you yourself had to take a moment of deep thought. what did you want you and finn to be? you thought you were content with being labeled as just his best friend but maybe, just maybe, you wanted to be more.

finn decided to stop avoiding eye contact and stared at you awaiting an answer.

"i don't know. maybe, i don't know. what do you want us to be?" you asked.

"you really wanna know what i want us to be?" finn questioned with a smirk.

you couldn't help but smile at his dorky smirk.

"i do" you answered.

"but do you really wanna know?" finn pestered on.

"yes finn, tell me." you giggled getting slightly annoyed.

"ok, but do you reallllyyy wanna know?" he asked, his smirk getting wider.

"you're so fucking annoying, yes i wann-"

you were cut of by finn's soft lips attaching to yours. the kiss was slow and short and when he pulled away it was like you could still feel his lips on yours.

"i want us to be together y/n." finn said looking you dead in the eyes with that same bright smile he was giving you earlier.

"i want that too." you said, absentmindedly returning a huge bright smile.

after a few more kisses, a bunch of smiling, a full force tickle fight, and more kisses, you found yourself lying on finn's chest again, listening to the soft thump of his heartbeat.

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