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a/n: wtf is he doing

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a/n: wtf is he doing. also the song is more directed towards the end of the imagine

finn's pov
"Here goes nothing." I mumble under my breath, walking up the steps of the school I'd be spending the next 4 years of my life at.

I'm definitely not excited for school, because everyone knows who I am. I'm not trying to sound cocky, I'm just telling the truth. The school announced that there would be a "celebrity" attending our school named Finn Wolfhard. Welp that's me. My school's administration are idiots. Who the hell wants one of their students to get harassed for autographs and pictures at school?

Before entering the school, I put my hood up, put sunglasses on, and look down. While walking through the halls I earn a few glares and points from other students.

"Why is that guy wearing sunglasses inside?" I hear one of the students snicker.

I ignore any comments and continue forth to my class.

As soon as I walk into the class, I grab the first seat I see, and drop my book bag at the side of the desk, then keep my head low, hoping to go unnoticed.

"Excuse me, young man." I hear a strict voice say above me. I keep my head down, not knowing if the voice was talking to me or not.

"Excuse me!" The voice says louder which startles me. I jump up and look at a not so attractive-looking teacher, who seems to be a little crossed eyed with a big mole on her chin.

Once she sees she's gotten my attention she looks at me with disappointment, and pulls out her pointer finger.

"There is no sunglasses or hoods allowed at this school, and especially not in my class." She snarls, and puts her wagging finger in my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologize, pull down my hood, and take off my glasses. Suddenly, there are a bunch of gasps echoing throughout the room, even the teacher gasps.

"No! I'm sorry!" She says in shock. "You are Finn Wolfhard! I am your biggest fan!" My teacher comes rushing towards me with her hand out, ready for me to shake it. I politely do so, and give her a half smile.

"I appreciate the support." I say.


Finally the bell rings and I can go off to my 2nd period, Gym. I have mixed emotions about gym because I'm not really sure if I'll be good or bad. High school gym is a big step-up from elementary and middle school gym. We are no longer going to play dodgeball, kickball, moneyball, freeze tag, and hopscotch. It's time for the real sports, like basketball, soccer, and football. However, I suck at all of those sports, so gym should be a grand ole' time.

I head into the locker room, and get changed into my P.E. uniform, fortunately not getting noticed by any of the guys. However, when I walk out and enter the gym of my Co-Ed Gym class, all the girls come rushing towards me. I guess I'm what you would call a "chick-magnet".

"Finn Wolfhard!" One of the girls screams.

"Mike!" Another screams while they both rush towards me, their arms wide open for hugs. When they wrap their arms around me, almost squeezing me to death, I don't hug them back, because I can't. I physically can't, because I can't breathe.

"Guys--" I croak. "I'm having a little trouble breathing here."

They release their grip and start squealing, "Wow it's really you!" The blonde with orange-colored makeup says.

"Yeah, I didn't believe them, when they said Finn Wolfhard was at our school, but no, you're in MY class!" The brunette with crooked teeth exclaims.

I scan the gym, everyone's eyes are on me except for one person. A girl. A gorgeous girl.

The blond starts spitting out words, "I'm such a big fan of Stranger--"

"Who's that?" I interrupt her, pointing towards the gorgeous girl who was minding her own business.

"Y/N?" She says with a laugh of shock. "Why would you care about her?" The brunette breaks in.

I give her a look of confusion, and walk past them and towards the pretty girl.

"Hey." I simply say to the girl. She looks up from the ground, "Hey!" She replies nicely.

"What's your name?" I ask, even though I already knew.

"Y/N, and yours?"

My eyes widen. Wait, she doesn't know who I am? Finn-ally!

"My name is um-Finn." I stutter with excitement. Maybe she won't only talk to me just because I'm famous.

"That's such a cool name!" She chuckles.

"Thanks! My parents thought of it themselves!" I joke, and we both laugh.

"Nice to meet you, um-Finn!"

I playfully roll my eyes. "Nice to meet you too, Y/N."

"What's your next class?" She asks.


"Really? Same here!"

"Awesome, now I have someone to sit with!" I chuckle.

"Me too." She smiles.

"I have this feeling we're gonna be great friends." I say to here with sincerity.

"I do too, Finn." She remarks. "But, you look, so familiar." She stutters.

"I was waiting for this." I nod my head, and continue, "I'm in a sho--"

"That's it!" Y/N interrupts. "You look like this kid I went to summer camp with a few years back!" She claims, with a moment of realization.

"Oh," I sigh, knowing I had never been to a summer camp.

"Anyways, what were you trying to say?"

"Nothing, nothing, it can wait for a..-- few years."

If she doesn't know I'm famous the there's no way I'm gonna tell her. I'd much rather talk to someone who doesn't talk about Stranger Things 25/8. Here goes nothing, maybe I can actually start a real friendship with the cute girl in my gym class.

a/n: thanks for the request denise! also sry if there are any typos or mis-spelled words. this hasn't been edited yet.

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