Chapter 1

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I just realized I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Ava Wesley. Yes, I know my last name sounds like Weasley from Harry Potter, but it’s not. I had chocolate brown hair, dark green eyes, and freckles. I was the shortest one in my grade, though I could be really mean in basketball and volleyball. I was born on May 8th, on Friday. I have a big brother, Ronald, and a little sister, Julie. Ron’s 19 and Julie’s 8. My parents are divorced. My mom moved to Alabama and my dad stayed here with us. . I’m like the outcast of the family. My dad has red hair with deep blue eyes; my mom has strawberry blonde hair and warm brown eyes. My sister, Julie, looks like my mom.  Ron looks like my dad, except with green eyes. Ok, now he really does sound like Ronald Weasley… I’m the only one in the family with brown hair and I’m glad for that. Blonde just seems to... how do I say it? Easy. Red attracts attention and I hate attention.

I had a dog for about 7 years. Her name was Alina, and she was a husky. Sort of. Well, a kind of mix between husky and I don’t know what. She kind of knew my feelings. When I was mad at my brother, or anyone else, she would cuddle up to me and let me fall asleep with my head on her stomach.  She died of a stomach tumor.

                My best friend, Evie, died about three years ago. She committed suicide. Her parents beat her and fought with each other, her two brothers loved to torment her, and her older sister was usually a drunk and said that she didn’t mean any of it in the morning.  Then there was the bullying in school. Evie wore dark green-rimmed glasses, and she didn’t normally care what she looked like, like me. We were each other’s only friends, social rejects. When Evie died, I really had no one to turn to but Ron.

                My house is like any other house. Tan walls, wood floor, the only place that was interesting to me was the attic. It was full of our old stuff. My little sister’s old dolls, teddy bears, and whatnot. My brother’s sports equipment. Hockey, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, anything that has to do with a ball. My brother’s and sister’s stuff took up half the space. My boxes had my old books. Mini fairytales, mystery books, depressing books, and most of all, adventure books, like the Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Hunger Games, Divergent, Harry Potter, and Legend. I loved the feeling when you start reading the books and have that feeling where you actually become the main character. All of it just feels so real, despite of what my dad tried to do to make me believe that they are only fiction.

                Most of all, I never really given thought how I would die. In my brain, there would be a break-in in the house. The thief would find me and I would make a stupid joke and that’s how my life will end.  I once told Ron that and he just smirked and said “Hit me with your best shot”. Yeah, he’s better at being sarcastic than me.  And I’m pretty good at that. What stumps me is that, it’s like life has its own brain. It already planned everything out for you, and there’s no way you can get it to change its mind. Life is twisted. 

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