The Outsider

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Prinxety! (again) Sorry, it's my otp. I got some other ideas coming up. Please enjoy!

Virgil's POV

                As I stepped into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house,I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman, and a ride home...

                 I grinned. This was always my favorite book. I could literally read it a million times and never would get tired of it. I just found it easy to relate to the characters. I didn't have to deal with the insane junk they had to deal with like murder, death, cops, and running away, - well, that last one is debatable. I would have if Thomas and the other sides hadn't gone to my room to find me - but I could relate to the smaller things. Sunsets, social persecution and isolation, love and family issues. I could understand it all because, even if it wasn't very happy, there was an end. I like books like that because, unlike life there was an end. Something that you could understand because there was a conclusion.

                I continued until I heard a strange noise. grrrrrr. I looked around confused. What the heck was that?Grrrrrrrrrr. My stomach growled, and this time I felt it, and not just heard it.

It was the I realized that I had forgotten to eat (again). My last meal was yesterday's lunch of a PB n J sand which with oatmeal raisin cookies (Not the healthiest, but Patton's cookies are always the best.). It was around lunchtime again, so I paused my book and walked into the kitchen to grab a bite.
I put my book on the kitchen counter and moved to the fridge. I looked around until I found some leftover cheese burgers from Friday. I grabbed the container, some pickles and ketchup. As I closed the refrigerator door, I turned to see the one and only Prince perfect standing there grinning. I was so surprised to see him I nearly dropped the pickle jar.

"Woah! Be careful Virgil!" Prince caught the jar from the air almost effortlessly and placed it on the table."If you smash a glass jar in here Patton will flip."

"Well, give me a warning before you pop up in random places." I shrugged and placed the rest of my food next to the pickles.

"Sorry." Roman held his hands up defensively. "So, how's your morning been?"

"Pleasantly quiet." I shrugged, starting to put together my meal. "Done some reading. How 'bout you?"

"Pretty uneventful. What were you reading?" Princy grinned.

"The Outsiders. I've already read it, but it's a classic, so no harm in re-reading."

"I love the Outsiders!"Princy's eyes widened with excitement.

"Really? How's that?" I walked to the couch and started eating,
followed by Roman.

"Well, I love all the action! And I can really feel the characters. It's so well written." His eyes lit up when he talked about the book, it was kinda cute (wait, what?). "Also, I really love the sunsets and sunrise theme."

I looked up surprised. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?"

       Roman returned the confused look. "Ya know, sunsets! It's a major form of symbolism in the book!"

"Wait, really? How?"

"Well yeah! The sunsets symbolize that nothing that is good can stay. Sunsets are amazing, and beautiful, but they do end, at least at some point, so you have to enjoy it while you have it." Roman shrugged and waited for my response.

"Like life. It's short and blissful, so you got to hold on to it while you have it." I realized something, "Or just even the simple things! Small moments in life that exist only for a moment, and are gone in a flash."

"Any moment, big or small, is a moment after all..." Roman began to sing but then saw my expression and stopped.

"Into the Woods? Really?" I chuckled at the not blushing Prince.

"Sorry, but anyways, you're totally right, sometimes there are moments that just slip by, as well as opportunities that just are missed." He looked distant for a moment. I sometimes wonder what is going on inside that head of his. Probably just filled to the brim with musicals and Disney.

"You okay there Princy?" He looked over at me, and did the very LAST thing I'd expect him to do. He leaned in quickly and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I'm sorry Virgil, it's just," he looked very embarrassed and was having trouble forming words, "we were having a moment, and I saw an opportunity that I really did not want to miss."

"An opportunity to kiss me?" I was extremely flustered, and in shock.

"Well, in my defense, you and I were both talking about holding on to a moment once you have it, and to enjoy it." He looked surprised and maybe even a little annoyed at himself. "This might sound a little weird, but I've kinda wanted to do that for a while."

         I thought about that. How did I think of Roman? I never really thought about it. Oh god, I really hate being put on the spot like this. All my thoughts get jumbled up, and I start to hyperventilate and...

"Virgil?" Roman grabbed my hand noticing my discomfort. I eased at the touch. I felt happy, and safe. I realized where these thoughts where coming from, and I knew how I felt, now with my thoughts cleared. "Are you okay Virgil?"

"I'm better than okay." I squeezed his hand and looked up into is beautifully warm brown eyes.

"So, do you want to go out sometime?" Roman started shaking slightly.

"Sure, how about tomorrow at 5? I heard that Kelsin Theater is doing a production of Berlin Irving's White Christmas." I shrugged grinning.

"Oh, that sound great!" Roman looked surprised and very enthusiastic when I had said yes. "So, tomorrow, seven?"

"Yep. See you then." I nodded and sunk down into my room, blushing through my foundation, completely and utterly helpless. Oh my gosh, did I just make a Hamilton reference? I've been hanging around with Princy too much lately. I shrugged because I knew I probably spend a lot more time with him, but I didn't mind.

Hello! My name is Kennedy, and I am just so happy you are reading my book! (Sorry for that little Book of Mormon outburst.) Hey guys! I've been thinking about doing a Q&A, but I'll only do it if 1) you guys want it.
2)I have to get enough questions to do a proper Q&A.
      If you guys don't want it, I really don't have to. Anyways, I hoped you like this fluffy little thing I did here. Please comment, or message me if you have any suggestions or ideas you want me to do! If you want, show this to your friends if you think it's cute. Anyways, take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals! PEACE OUT! ✌🏻

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