It's Cold Outside

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Okay so this is a AU just saying that now. Virgil is Patton and Logan's Adopted son. Roman's dating Virgil.
Virgil's POV
      Patton always tells me to, oh wait sorry, DAD always tells me to check the weather, but I'm really lazy and I was to excited, and I just really wanted to see Roman, my boyfriend. I like thinking about that word a lot. Boyfriend. Boyfriend. Roman.

       I had arrived at his house and it has begun to flurry, but I didn't really take much mind to it.

"Virgil! Come on in!" Roman opened the door. His eyes sparkled in the Christmas lights that were decked all through this house. He didn't have any other lights on, so it looked very cute and cozy inside.

"Hey Ro." I walked in as he took off my jacket and my hat.

"Your hands are freezing!" He held them as he pulled me inside before I had the chance to take off my other shoe. We walked over into his living room and sat down on the couch.

"So what are we watching?" I curled up my legs so they were on the couch.

"You can choose as long as it's Disney."Roman stood up and went to the kitchen, because I assume he's grabbing snacks.

"Okay!" I turn on the Netflix and search through. I find Frozen and laugh at myself. Maybe I watch it just for tonight, Sir Sing-a-lot loves it, and I'm sorta getting into the winter spirit. (Also the movie's really good, but I'll never admit it because I refuse to be mainstream).

Ro comes back in carrying a tray of cookies, and two mugs full of Hot Chocolate with whipped cream and crumbled peppermints on top (with straws of course).

"That looks amazing." I say as he places the tray on the table.

"I hoped you liked it. And the cookies are oatmeal raisin. I know that's your favorite." He blushed until he matched the red tinsel he had hung on the mantle of the fireplace.

"Aww, thanks Ro." I held his hand pulling him onto the couch next to me. I pressed play and set down the remote and grabbed a cookie.

"What movie did you choose?" I snuggled up to my companion putting my head on his shoulder staring up at the screen.

"You'll see!" I grinned look up into his curious face.

Na na na heyana
Hahiyaha naha
Naheya heya na yanuwa
Hanahe yunuwana

"Oh Virge!" Roman squeaked hugging me tightly to him.

"I had a feeling you'd like it." I kissed him on the cheek.

Roman's POV

Blushing I rested my head on Virgil's head. I hummed every song until Let It Go. When it came on I full out started belting. I even got good old J Delightful to start singing. He really has a amazing singing voice. I'd say that he even has a larger range than me. I really need to bring him to karaoke night at the sushi place down the street.

After "Fixer Upper" Virgil passed out. I grinned. He had a cute little mustache made of whipped cream. He breathed in slowly and exhaled through little puffs out his mouth. I could feel his heart beat. It was strong and consistent. I loved it. I loved our love. Our love was strong and consistent, like his heart, like mine. Our hearts beat to the same drum. I can't help but become more and more in love with my little emo nightmare.

The movie finally ended and I looked down at Virgil. Now, how do I wake him up? I got an idea. I grinned and pecked Virgil's lips.

"Roman?" He woke up disoriented, but smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty." Virgil sat up grabbing the back of my head and pulling me into a kiss longer than the previous one.

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