Coffee Customer

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You cleaned a table with a rag, staring at the clock as the seconds dragged. You needed your shift to be over, you just were to weary to carry on.

You sprayed another table, sliding the same rag over it. Business was slow so far, you didn't mind. It was less work or even if you were lucky, your boss would let you leave early. Oh you wish.

You made your way to the kitchen area of the café and sat, reading a magazine. Your boss soon called your name as business started to pick up. Customers came in and you soon rushed to tables, gathering orders.

-2 lattes and 2 jam doughnuts for table 2.
-A bottle of water, a can of cola and two cup of teas for table 6.
-Homemade chicken soup with coffee for table 3.

You whizzed around, working hard.
"A coffee with extra cream and a large chocolate chip cookie for table 5" George called in your direction. You gathered all items onto a tray and headed towards table 5.

Bill loves chocolate chip cookies. Eugh, what you'd do to cuddle up with Bill on the sofa, watching Netfix, and chomp down on loads of cookies.

You got lost in thought but reached table 5, in no time. Not looking at the man, you placed down the tray.
"A medium coffee with extra cream.. erm, and a large chocolate chip cookie. Anything else, sir?" You smiled.
You soon realised the identity of the man at the table.

Your eyes widened and you let out a faint gasp. Sat there your tall, handsome boyfriend, Bill, wrapped in a long black coat and red scarf. "Bill! I can't talk to you now! I'm at work." You whispered shouted, trying to act as if you didn't know Bill.

"I know, sweetheart, I just came for a snack." He winked, sipping on his coffee.
You giggled as he had a cream moustache above his top lip. You wiped I off with your warm thumb, still giggling. He chuckled too, "Awe thanks babe". He removed the rest of the cream with a napkin.

"Y/N!!" Your boss, Joe, called. Your head snapped in that direction. "Sorry Bill... busy day." You rubbed his hand that was rested on the clean table. "I'll see you later, missy" he winked again as you scurried back to the kitchen. 

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now