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You pressed the doorbell of Bill's small home and preyed he would answer. Your body shook tremendously with nerve and fear, your mind was all over.

After a moment a freshly washed wet Bill dressed in jeans, black top and towel around his neck answered the door. As soon as he realised it was you he gave you a warming smile to welcome you in.

"Hello gorgeous" he lead you to the couch and sat beside you. You just smiled nervously in return.

"What a lovely surprise seeing you here" he continued in a flirtatious tone.

"I know, it's a shock" you muttered whilst twiddling the rings on your finger.

He raised an eyebrow to you, obviously confused by your actions and tone. Bill scooted closer to you but you only moved away. "Babe, what's up? What do you mean?"

You couldn't look into his eyes, it just broke your heart. "Well... you know how we've been dating for nearly 4 months"


"Well I.."

"Are you cutting it off?"

"No.. no. But I'm afraid you might." You whispered and you reached into your bag that was placed by your feet.

"Why woul-" you handed him a small rectangular box that was sealed. Bill looked at you with a grin as if it was a joke. He soon saw your sunken, nerve-wrecked face, and his own dropped.

"Erm okay?" He grabbed the small box in his large palms, and unlaced the bow that was wrapped around it.

He pulled the lid off so delicately and cautiously making your nerves hit the roof. Before you knew it the words were just pouring out of your mouth even before he pulled away the coloured tissue inside.

"Listen, I am so so sorry. I know you don't want this, and you're too young. I-I guess it'll be okay as a single mother. I'm okay if you don't want this. You don't have to be involved, I promise I don't expect anything from you just p-please please don't make me abort it, I don't think I could do that."

Tears ran viciously as you choked your words out, sobbing. You looked a wreck on his sofa as he just torn away the tissue revealing the 3 positive pregnancy tests. Bill held them with a confused, astounded expression.

"You're pregnant.." he told you as if you didn't know yourself.

"Yes I am- with your baby. I'm so sorry Bill." You shook and trembled as you cried, head in hands ashamed of yourself.

Bill sprung up, "I'm a daddy!" He exclaimed, waving his limbs all over excitedly.

"Bill... you're okay with this?" You peeked up behind tears revealing your puffy eyes.

He crouched in front of you, "hey, look at me" he whispered in a soft voice. He grabbed your hands in one and embraced them with his own. "Listen to me, I am so so happy that you a pregnant, carrying my child- our child. No way in hell I want you to abort this, no way. I love you, I know we haven't been together so long but I do love you, no one is better to start a family with."

His eyes glistened with happy tears and his words made you weep even more. The relief was unbelievable and you were just so happy he was accepting this in such a positive way.

You tried to speak to him but you just choked on them, just giving him a open smile.

"Y/N. I am not leaving you" he reassured  you, rubbing the face of your damp face.

"B-Bill. My parents... my dad will be so mad. Yknow the tradition, marriage first."

"Hun, it's okay. We can both talk to them, I'll always be there. We can get married."

Your eyes widened, "marriage?"

"Yes Y/N"

"Bill.. you don't need to marry just for the sake of the baby"

"No, I would happily marry you, baby or not. You can even move in, if you want to."

"Really?" You looked up at him like a puppy.

"Really." He intertwined your fingers together, "now lets go and cuddle in our bed." He pecked your lips as he rubbed your extremely small bump.

Bill Skarsgård ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now