Pretty Mama

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Proper baby vibes atm. Soz

You stood in just your peach fuzzy dressing gown in front of Bill, silver painted toes on the hardwood flooring. "Are you sure it's okay, Bill?" you asked him apologetically. "I don't have to go, y'know.." you folded your tanned arms.

He looked up at you from the leather sofa, your one year old bouncing on his knee. Bill continued to bounce the bairn in the dimmed room causing him to giggle and gargle with joy. "Baby, listen. It's fine! Go out tonight." He insisted, large hands safely wrapped around the chubby boy that was dressed in a pale blue onesie with cartoon trains printed all over.


"Y/N. Go. Have your girls night, you need it, love. Me and Niklas will be have, we will have some Daddy and Son time. It'll be fun, won't it bud?" He told you sternly before turning to his son, cooing and tickling his sides.

You huffed, being a new mother you panicked about the well being of your baby and your husband but you knew Niklas was in good hands, his father loved him dearly despite his clumsiness.

Even though your worries would never cease, your excitement grew. An hour to girls night, an hour to get dressed. Surprisingly, you loved the few extra pounds you gained from carrying your pride and joy within you for nine months - it proved you were a mother. Niklas wasn't a large baby, he was adorably chubby and cute!

 You flattened your dress before sitting of the edge of your shared bed and strapping on some black heels

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You flattened your dress before sitting of the edge of your shared bed and strapping on some black heels. After a while, your make up was set and you felt bran new. Spite you loving motherhood, you needed the release of dolling up and running free just for one night.

You held onto the wooden bannister that lead you down the stair case and then strut your way into the living room where Bill and Niklas had not moved from. You twirled in front of them, their gaze fell onto you.

"Oh lord." Bill breathed as his voice hitched. "You like?" You wiggles your brows, swaying your hips playfully and then laughing. Bill smirked less in amusement, more in lust and love. "Mama!" Niklas short arms extended to make grabby hands at you, "Mama! Mama!" He shown the few teeth he had.

"Yes, that's Mama. Look how pretty Mama is, bud, the most beautiful woman to live." Bill pressed a kiss onto his sons red cheeks. Niklas' hands still reached for you so you reached to grab him from your husbands grasp.

Your baby clung to your hip as he cuddled into the crook of your jewellery covered neck. You swayed him as Bill gazed up at you both in awe. "I am to lucky to call you my wife and the mother of my child." He smiled.

"I love you two so much." You nodded placing Nik back on his fathers lap, kissing his forehead and then placing a delicate peck on Bill's pink lips. "Too much." You mumbled against them.

"Be careful, Mrs Skarsgård. Don't need no men looking at you, now. You're my wife." He chuckled, half serious, half joking. "I know, I know. I love my boys too much." "Now off you pop. Don't have too much fun. We love you, Mama."

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