Dorky Goofball

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I dragged Benny back to Damien. 

"Damien," I said in a sing song voice. 

He instantly looked over at me and then at Benny. He was enraged. He practically teleported  to Benny and pinned him against a locker by his neck. 


Y/N P.O.V.

"Damien," I yelled out. 

I began to panic because Benny started to look extra pale. 

"Damien, let go of my boyfriend right now before I make your face unrecognizable." 

Damien let go of Benny and Benny fell to the floor with a thud. 

"Well thank you very much but I think we better get going before i become a snack," interrupted Benny as he quickly stood up. 

"Prove it." 

"Prove what?" Benny and I asked at the same time. 

"Kiss right now," demanded Damien with a stern look on his face. 

"I mean I would but its just we like to do those things in private because it just feels uncomfortable knowing you are going to be there watching us make-out, wait aren't you her ex-boyfrien-" Benny was interrupted by me as I crashed my lips onto his as an attempt to shut him up. 

I felt a whole zoo of butterflies in my stomach and I smiled into the kiss. I could not believe that I am finally kissing my crush. I am just so surprised that it took this long to actually get the courage to do this. Maybe I should ask him to be my actual boyfriend...


Benny and I quickly broke away from each other and blushed. We looked up and saw Principle Hick(???) glaring at us. 

"My office now," Principle Hick said. 

Benny and I walked behind him and saw Damien smirking at us. I knew it. He had set us up for this. He wanted us to get into trouble. Oh wait until I get  my hands on him. (Not like that you nasty people) 

"Well at least I got to figure out that you are an amazing kisser," whispered Benny with a goofy smile. 

"Your not too bad yourself, dorky goofball," I said with a wide smile. 

"Dorky Goofball?"

"Yes. You are now declared as my Dorky Goofball. 

****** Sorry for taking so long I have been busy with other stuff. This was just a short chapter that I put up really quickly so you guys did not think I would abandon this story. Let me know if this chapter was too long, too short or just right. It would mean a lot for me if you commented and gave me ideas. Thank youuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!******

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