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*Next Day*

So turns out that Benny used his nerdy spell to erase the principal's memory so we did not get into trouble. It turned out that Ethan and his sister Jane needed to be babysat again and I really did not want to go. "Don't you remember what happened last time," I whined. "Yea, and Benny used his spell and if it happens again he will save our butts so we will be fine." said Sarah as she dragged me out of our last class and started to head out to the movies to see Suicide Squad like she promised. 

*Time skip after the movie*

"Wow that movie was awesome we should buy it when it comes out on the disc," I said with popcorn in my mouth. "Yea I agree," said Sarah. We ran all the way to Ethan's house and greeted his parents as they left. They told us to get Jane into bed at her bedtime and not to let the boys eat everything in the fridge. We said goodbye when Benny yelled out "Movie time!" "What movie are we watching?" asked Sarah. 

"Well since Jane has to go to sleep in about five minutes, we are gonna get a scary movie and watch it while she eats and gets ready for bed." "What scary movie?" I asked. "As Above so Below," said Ethan with a scared look. "Alright, Let's do this," I yelled out. Before I did anything I went to go tuck Jane into bed and told her a bedtime story. Once I finished I kissed her forehead and walked out of the room. Benny was there and he smiled at me.   

"Your going to be an amazing mother you know that right?" he said with a love-struck look. "Yea, but I can't," I replied with a sad face. "Why not?" "Vampires can't have children and it's not like Dusk(?) where the human can have a child with a vampire. It's just not possible to be able to have children." "Oh," said Benny with a disappointed look. "Well hey look on the bright side I don't get periods," I said with a fake smile. "Yeah that is true. Now come on they are waiting for us downstairs.

"Dorky Goofball!" I yelled. "Yah?" "Carry me please," I said with a pouting face. "Okey Dokey," he said with a huge smile. Benny carried me all the way down the stairs and placed me on the couch. He sat next to me and we all began to watch the movie.  Ethan sat next to Sarah on one couch, and I wiggled my eyebrows at her when she turned to me. Ethan and Benny tried to act like the tough guys that didn't get scared and instead have us snuggle and hide into their chests but their plan backfired. Throughout the whole movie I let Benny wrap his arms around me the whole time so he could have a least a little bit of honor left in him. I started to think about whether or not I have feelings for Benny or not. If I do I wouldn't mind because he is such a sweet and dorky guy he won't do the same thing Damien did to me. I do not have anything to worry about with Benny.  The whole night was filled with girly screams that were not from me or Sarah. But we did not mind one bit. 

******Sorry I have not updated in so long I have been busy. Anyways, Vote on it, Comment, and add it to your reading thingys if you want. Please let me know if this was too short, too long, or just right because I am not sure and I would really want you guys to give me your opinions with this since you guys are the ones who help me figure this stuff out. Thanks for reading and have a great day. Remember you are beautiful and strong. BYYYYYYYE!!!!******

Never Felt This Way | Benny Weir X Vampire!Reader (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now