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You ever been in a situation you felt as if you had no control over? You ever did something so horrible, you thought that the world was about to end, or was against you? Ever felt like you weren't good enough? Ever been told something that made you feel low?
Well hear me out...

YOU were created to make a difference, you were created to live a unique and unlimited life. You were never created to be average. You were created to excel. There's no limit to how far or high you can go in life. No one is you, and no one else could ever be you. Remember, you have the potential and opportunity for success. Dare to reach beyond yourself. Tell yourself you won't spend half your life explaining what you're going to do and the other half explaining why you didn't do it. You have the ability to prove to people, that you did do what they said you could never do. You'll find a way instead of looking behind an alibi. When you make a mistake, you make an excuse for it. Then you make two mistakes. Admitting errors clears the scores, and proves that you're wiser then before. Your life is simply a reflection of all your reactions. Life will give you everything you ever gave it. The events in the past doesn't reduce your potential. What you do today determines your future. Know that the best revenge is always success. You have to find ways to want it for yourself more then others wanting it for you. If you ever failed, it doesn't mean it's over. Change is REAL and NECESSARY. However, you will need to be patient, and give yourself time to grow. Always put forth the effort. Never give up. Remind yourself that you can do it! No matter how hard the situation is, always remember that something beautiful is going to happen. I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it! The future is YOURS to create. And it's created by what you do TODAY, not tomorrow.

The next time you look in the mirror, say something positive about yourself. The road to anywhere is the life to nowhere. Life is all about choices and decision makings. You aren't a product of your circumstances. You are a product of your decisions. Pay attention and learn good judgement. We have two ears, and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply. Seek first to understand, then be understood.  Listen to people sincerely. Think before you act. You are the captain of your life, therefore you can control whatever comes your way. How you handle it, is up to you. You are responsible for your own happinesses. Never blame anyone for your faults. Take responsibility of your life. Taking responsibility for your actions is a big step for trying to improve. Define your mission and goals in life. Once you've done that, focus on it. Don't let anyone get in the way of your responsibilities. Don't stress yourself, everything will work out. Everything starts within you, anything after is the reason you started. It's not about how you start it's how you finish.

Figure out what makes you happy and focus on that. You are free to choose. But you are not free from the consequences of your choice. Character is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Find out what your values are. Once they become clear to you, making decisions will become easier. Never let a person tell you about yourself. You know yourself better than any other individual. Never let a person tell you what to do with yourself, because at the end of the day you are the one that has to walk around proudly with your inner and outer skin. LIVE WITH PURPOSE. Live in the moment. To live life to the fullest means fulfilling your fears with bravery, an open mind and a lack of prejudice. It means making the most of what you have and never settling for less than the life you're capable of living. It means being truly alive and awake to life. Everyone has a sense of purpose, without it we'll lose our way and become demotivated and depressed. When you know your purpose in life, you're likely to have a healthier outlook on life and be more resilient to stress. A life with purpose can guide life decisions, influence behaviors, shape goals offer a sense of direction and create a meaning.

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