IT CAST : How they react to your fangirling

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Wyatt : Will hide behind a couch and cross his fingers into a cross formation. Because there's no way in Hell he's getting possessed by whatever demon snatched you.



Sophia : She will try to get rid of whatever you're fangirling over. Whether it be a post on Instagram or the television. In less than a moment, it'll be gone.

"We don't need this television, pfff."

"Sophia.. you just threw the Hotel
TV out of the window."


Jeremy : Awkwardly walking out of the room and gladly avoiding it. It's one of those moments he'd rather not see come from you.


Jack : He will FAN with you. Even if he doesn't know the thing or person, he's all for it. Because that's what matters.

"I think I'm in loveee.."

"Me t- Wait with who?!"


Chosen : Will be laughing at you, because he finds your fangirling funny and quite cute if he's being completely honest.

"But, you love me more
right [Y/N]?"


"WAiT wHaT-"


Owen : Anytime you fangirl Owen will act like it's some sort of disease and run around the room frantically.



Nicholas : He doesn't get bothered by it, because half of the time it's you fangirling over him.

"I know, I'm hot."


Jaeden : Jealous. Especially if you're fangirling over some other celebrity. Because that celebrity should be him and if it's not, he'll disapprove!

"Hey not to change the subject.. but did you see my acting in the new IT movie?"


Bill : He really doesn't know how to react so he'll stick to staying still and
watches you with a weird gaze.

"I feel attacked right now."


Finn : He's a little shit, because he'll utilize the moment and record it for his millions of followers.

"This is comedy gOLD.."

"Finn, were you recording?"

"What? No? Ahahahaha..."



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