Erwin x Levi {immediate yaoi}

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Levi sat at his desk, doing paperwork as always.

A few minutes later Erwin walked in with a fresh stack of papers to sort through.

"here's some more" Erwin stated with a slight smirk.

Levi groaned "why do you always add insult to injury..."

Levi picks up part of the stack of new papers, looks at the top sheet, groans, and throws them on the floor.

across from his desk Erwin grunts "why must you throw these temper tantrums Levi, your past 30 years old!"

Levi scoffed and rolled his eyes "you know that you have to pick those up now" Erwin stated, pointing at the scattered papers.

"You do it eyebrows, if your so pissed about it" Levi crossed his legs on his desk while leaning back in his chair.

Erwin glared at him, dryly replying " fine, since I know they will stay on the floor until you go into one of your OCD episodes, I'll pick them up for you"

Erwin walks over to the mess and began picking up the, now dirty papers.

Levi sat back and watched the blonde in amusement until....he noticed Erwin's perfect ass.

Levi watched it for a moment not knowing what to do, as he began to slip into one of his fantasies. (get creative here, I wasn't writing out the fantasy since it'd turn into another book)

He snaps out of it and noticed that he had started to get an erection from the mix of Erwin's ass and his fantasy.

He grunts as he thinks to himself. -damnit! Why does he have such a hot fucking ass!

Erwin finishes picking up the papers and drops them on Levi's desk.

Noticing that he was completely exposed, Levi quickly puts his legs down and crosses them under his desk as much as his prodding member would allow him.

Erwin puts the papers back on Levi's desk, noticing that the younger mans face was a light shade of red

The blonde looks at him with a subtle furrowing of his brow, setting the papers on the desk.

He speaks in an unamused tone "here is the result of your temper tantrum, dirt and all "

Levi replied with a lower voice, attempting to hide the trembling of his throat . "Th-anks ", the dark haired man trails the end of the word.

Erwin grows a little suspicious. "Hey, are you feeling ok? You look a little flushed"

Levi put his hands over his lap, flinching slightly at how deprived his erection felt in that moment, "y-yeah I'm fine" he replied with the  same masked voice, this time loud enough for Erwin to hear it, and with that he finally caught on.

-see part 2 to find out what happens-
Sorry if this sucked, my first fan fic comments and constructive criticism are always good!

ErwinXLevi hard yaoiWhere stories live. Discover now