Erwin x Levi pt 2

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He finally caught on.

Erwin walked behind Levi's desk and pulled Levi away from it with the chair he was sitting in, getting in front of the smaller mans legs.

The blonde places his hands on the seat of the chair, leaning down while taking a quick glance at Levi's face, then at his obvious hard-on "you don't look so fine, is that because of me?"

Levi blushed and looked away, he nodded subtly and drew his eyes back up Erwin's torso to gage his reaction. Though when he did this, he realized Erwin had also started to have a more prominent bulge.

With The outline of Erwin's dick imprinted in his brain, he played it through his head, quickly realizing how big it was.

trying harder to conceal his growing erection, he pushes his legs together.

Erwin grinned "why do you want to hide it so bad?~"

the younger mans expression changed to a more surprised one "h-huh?"

Erwin bent down to where his face was in front of Levi's, placing one of his hands next to Levi's head on the very top of the chair.

"What are you doing!?!" Levi breathed, tensing up in his seat.

Erwin moved his face closer, whispering into Levi's ear "Levi...can I help you?~"

Levi slightly lost his breath, as the blonde was now face to face with him, softly kidding his lips, causing Levi to melt under his superior.

they kissed again, this time deeper, letting so much of Levi's pent up lust through that single kiss...but it still wasn't enough.

Levi was now beginning to submit to Erwin's touch, visually allowing his body to relax a bit.

Erwin slid his free hand down Levi's side then to his leg, his hand lay inches from the younger mans growing erection.

The blonde leaned down into the crook of Levi's neck.

The shorter man shuddered as he felt Erwin's hot breath next to his ear lobe, and a mildly hard object tap against his torso with every move Erwin made.

Levi felt a gentle yet warm line moving up the base of his neck to the base of his ear, then a sharp bite right next to his ear lobe.

The sensation rushed through his veins in the form of intense heat.

He grinds his hips forward uncontrollably, and leaned his head to the side to give a bit more space for Erwin to continue on.

Erwin softly spoke in a seductively husky voice in Levi's ear "I don't think you bad I want to fuck you senseless right now"

Erwin moved his hand over Levi's growing erection, feeling the dark haired man's member struggling against his clothing.

He set his hand down over Levi's crotch, letting a bit of excess pressure rest on the fabric. This earned a raspy moan from his now submissive Levi

Levi dug into Erwin's arms with his nails "E-Erwin...P-lease" he pleaded pushing his hips forward.

feeling Levi's entire length with only the tips of his fingers, nothing but fabric between them. Erwin began getting himself excited with just the thought of what he was going to do to Levi.

The blonde raked his hands up and down Levi's torso once more, and passionately kissed the man.

Levi immediately tenses up while attempting to suppress a moan "pl-ease..."

Erwin let a small grin slip onto his lips then swiftly picks up the smaller man and sets him on the desk, beginning to undo his belts, setting one specific one on the desk next to them.

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