Chapter 1

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Your POV

____________________________________________________________There are Rhuk swarming around you and your sister, you see a familiar faces nearby. "Ugo, Soloman, Sheba where are you going" you both yelled with tears in your guy's eyes "Hey Y/N and Ala can I ask you something." Ugo asked " Anything." you and Ala said at the same time. " I want you to rebirth magic into the world and follow Aladdin around and protect him, " said Ugo " Of Course Ugo" Now balling your eyes out. A bright light appears out of nowhere. 

You find yourself in the middle of a busy road. Everyone is yelling and laughing. Then a man comes out of nowhere and says,"Hey can you move."  " Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to get in your way." you say "Hey Muu don't bee so rude," Says a blonde boy. You stare up at him and you immediately know who he is. "Titus?" you say "Huh, what," said Titus. It's Titus, it's really him.'"TITUS!!" You launch your self-forward and start to hug him, it seems he doesn't understand why you are hugging him."Do you know where Aladdin is?" you say. "Wait, first how do you know me and second how do you know Aladdin," said Titus. 'I'll tell you later, just take me where Aladdin is" you sa "Alright," says Titus. A thought just came to your head where is your sister!?

~Le time skip~

"Here we are," says Titus"Alright it's time to meet Aladdin."Y/N said "Ok let's go in," says Titus. As soon as you go in, you see people screaming and yelling about which land is there's. So you decided that you would go over to them and help. And you do. All of them are extremely confused. 

You sommon a map of the previous land and looked at land today and grabbed one of your arrows and cut up the pieces of land and you name them accordingly. They all take a look, then look at you. " How did you do that." said one of them. "I basically just looked at the old map and tried replicating it as best I could." You say " What is really that easy," another one said. And you responded with a "yep,". "Who are you" all of said at once. "That's what I been saying," said Titus. " I'll tell you If you bring back the rest of the magi and there king's candidates with there Metal Vessels," you say. 

~Le time skip~

Everyone is where and they gather before you "Alright, everyone  I'm......,"

To Be Continued

Author's Note

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is my first book and I thought I would start with this The upload day for this story will be very other the day. And tell me In the comments if you like or not alright. Byeeeee!!!!!

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