Chapter 7

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A/N: I hear your complaints so for the rest of the backstory I'll use this format. If it's still confusing just tell me. Thanks for the feedback.


Ugo: Why, little girl what's your name.

Ala: Names Ala I-


Ala: Don't know, maybe I'm another part of you.

Ugo: She's right Y/N

Ala; Welp, So sister *Puts arm around your shoulder* what's your name.

Y/N: The names Y/N and get your hands off me. * you shoo her away*

Ala: Why do you have to be so mean * she starts to fake cry*

Y/N: Pfffft

Ugo: Pfft

*All of you start laughing*


Y/N: Hey Sis can you pass the Pokeweed

(Pokeweed is a poison berry)

Ala: What do you need it for.

You grab it from her.

Y/N: Trying to make poison.


Y/N: It's not going deadly just need to put Ugo into deep sleep.

Ala: Yah, he has been in his lab for while and hasn't been out.

Y/N: There we go. We just need to do this and this.

You pour a cup of coffee and put the the serum in

Y/N: Alright, see you later Ala

Ala: Ya, see you too sis

You head over to Ugo's Labatory from your own. You knocked on the door but no answer. So you decided to head in by yourself.

Y/N: Ugo are you here.

Ugo: Y/N just the person I was looking for I need someone to check this theory for minuet.

Y/N: Seems to be correct. Here have some coffee.

Ugo: Oh thank you, Y/N.

Ugo: Who, that's an interesting aftertaste.

Ugo stomach grumbles.

Ugo: I don't fell so good, I'll be back.

Tiny time skip

Ugo came into to the room really sick.

Y/N: Well, you have no choice but to stay in bed.

Ugo: Bu-

Y/N: No buts. Go to bed I'll bring medicine.

Ugo: Ok, just go check on Aladdin

You walk over to Aladdin's room

Y/N: Aladd-.

He is a new born

Y/N: ALA!!!

Ala: What's going on.

She looks over to Aladdin

Ala: Oh my fuck, he is actually a new born now.

You decide to tell Ugo.


He gets out of his bed and heads to the room.

Ugo: He's actually a new born

Ala had already made the space kid friendly with a crib even

Y/N: He's just as handsome as his father.

Ugo looked at you with the most wide-eyes ever

Ugo: I'm a God Father!

He was so exited that he lifted you and kissed you.

Y/N: Ugo what the fuck.

Ugo: Sorry I wanted tell you my feelings, but I was scared.

Y/N: I like you too. Though your never going to see me again after this.

Ugo: Why?

Y/N: Just a feeling.

Ugo: Please don't leave me.

Y/N: I'll try.

Ugo: Thank you, but I have to get some rest.

Y/N: See you Ugo

You all of a sudden fell tire, you walked over to the Rhuk and sat there.

Y/N: Hey Solomon, we haven't talk in while. It's good to see you

Solomon actually responded by releasing Rhuk.

Y/N: Wo, you're actually talking. So how's living in the Rhuk.

All of the sudden the Rhuk consumed you. Solomon and Sheba are standing right in front you.

Y/N: I thought you guys were dead

Solomon: We are.

Y/N: So am I dead.

Solomon: No.

Y/N: So why am I here.

Sheba shrugged

Sheba: Don't know.

Y/N: Great, so know what do I do.

Solomon: Oversee the whole world I created.

Y/N: You probably already know, but Aladdin has been born.

Sheba: He has?!

Y/N: Also Ugo told me his feelings.

Solomon: Took him long enough.

You guys keep talking and talking

In the palace outside of the Rhuk.

Ala: Y/N where are you?

Ugo: Let's go to see if she is with the Rhuk.

Ala: Yeah that's the place I haven't checked.

They head over to the Rhuk. Ala looked around and as soon she touched the Rhuk, she disappeared.

Ugo: Ala? Y/N?

A/N: Finally done with the backstory. Got I have a long chapter for you. And I want to thank you people for reading this story. So thank you. Anyways I have entered this new fandom an I think about doing a fan fiction about it. What you think. Yeona out.

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