Chapter 4

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Your Pov

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was the next morning, you get up and head to the living room to get dress. You put your clothes and start to make breakfast. "Hey beautiful," you say to Aladdin "Morn,'" Aladdin says. You hand a plate of honey-coated fruits and nuts. "Here you go," you say after giving to Aladdin the plate. "Thanks," He says with his mouthful," you smirk as you watch Aladdin eat. He gets up and goes in the other room to change. After a little, you finish packing for you and Aladdin, Aladdin and room and says "Are you ready to go," Yep, let's go and meet the others," you say.

A little time passes and everyone is in the plaza. "I have to something to do first before we leave," you say as you hit everyone on the head. "Hey woman, why did you do that!" said Judar. "Now all you have your magic power for a temporary time," you say. "This is why I'm here, I'm here to give you back your power, but you can't take it all in. Because you had a long withdrawal, otherwise It could kill you and I can't revive you," you say. " Wow that harsh lady," said Aladdin "Wait, did I tell you my name," Y/N asked. "Nope," said Aladdin. " My name is Y/N," Y/N said. "Ok, now that we know your name let's get going." Said Yuan

~Le time skip~

"Hey lady, hey lady, hey lady, hey lady," Judar said while poking at you. He has been doing this since you started on the path "WHAT DO YOU WANT," you yelled. "What's there to know about you," He says "Your curious about my about my past?" you ask. "Yeah, we're all wondering," Judar said "Well my past isn't for the faint-hearted, so if you have one leave now, '' you say with a smile "Boooooring," Judar says "Alright Alright, so I was born on alma toran. Killed my parents in my sleep, because I was told to." How do you kill someone in your sleep," Said Judar "A spell. Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted. When I was at the wee age of 7. I was appointed protector of the of the tower. I really wasn't supposed to be there at all. The only reason why I was there....."

Author's note

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry, this is so late I hope you in enjoy it.

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