Sick of the Cold (Izuseri)

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Izumo's P.O.V.

I walked the way to my little apartment with a cigarette in my mouth puffing out smoke. Usually the streets would be empty and quiet when I was on my way to the bar. But it so happened a roaring sound was reaching my ear.

I look behind me to see a blue truck rolling by then parking next to me.

Scepter 4

Am I getting arrested again?

A man comes out of the truck, he looked young in his mid 20s with raven hair covering one of his eyes.

He salutes me "Izumo Kusanagi!!" He frowns "2nd in command of the red clan Homra!! I, Akiyama Himori as ordered of the Blue king Munakata, you will be in the care of one of our Lieutenant!!"

I look at him a bit puzzled "Huh?" I said scratching my head

He sighs and picks up a person bridal style the women had light blond hair and a curvish body who's eyes were closed. Seri.....

"Look you better take good care of her!! Captain says that you were the closest person to her!! So that's why he's entrusting you!!" He says handing me Seri.

He crosses his arms "I don't like the idea of handing one of the greatest soldiers to a pervert red like you...."

"You mean a good looking red" I say winking at him.

He scolds at me ignoring that part "But I trust Captain's words..." He sighs as he gets back into the truck.

"W-Wait!! You do realize if she finds out that I took her home she'd kill me!!" I yelled.

Akiyama smiles "Which is another good reason for you to take care of her..."

"WHAT!! HEY!!" I yell but he was already driving away.

I look down at Seri who was sleeping soundly in my arms. She looked so defenseless and so.....

I smile to myself "Now... now... If Seri was awake she would kill you Izumo..." I said to myself then walked up to my apartment.

I set Seri on the couch. I put my coat on the rack and take out the cigarette from my mouth. I walked over to the lady as she shivers in her sleep.

"So cold...." she whispers crossing her arms.

I chuckle "I thought you were used to the cold heartless women...." I said with a warm smile.

She opens her eyes and frowns "What are you doing in my house...." she says with a weak voice.

I laugh "You're in my house Seri~ Chan"

"One of your soldiers came here and dropped you off with me"

She shivers again "Why is it so cold...."

I put a hand over her head, it was cold as ice. "I think I have some medicine in my cabinet I'll have to go check..."

Something cold grabbed my arm. I look down to see it was Seri bringing my hand on her head "Warm...." she says her eyes closed.

I gasp feeling a blush reaching my face then I smiled gently removing my hand from her.

I knelt down to her "I heard a nice hot bath would make the cold feel better..." I said touching her arm.

She groans then mumbles "Mhm.."

I walk over to the bathroom and let the water run in the tub. Seri follows me leaning against the doorway, she looked really pale.

I shut the water when the tub was about full. "The soaps up there and the towels are over there..."

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