Finding Out

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Colby comes knocking at your door saying he needs to talk

You both go sit on the couch across from each other. Colby's starts to say he had a secret he's been hiding a secret from you for a while and that he feels like an asshole for doing it.

You ask "Was your mom really in the hospital"?
He says "No"
You start to cry because you think he has another girlfriend
He then says "Give me a second I have to use the restroom"
As he's leaving he got a text on his phone
He runs back and says "let me get that"

"Who is it" You ask
"No one" He said

"Leave the phone and go to the bathroom if you had to go"

He left his phone and when he got in the restroom
You checked it to see a contact name to "Baby Chick💋👣" Your first thought is "Why is there feet on this contact name" but you forget about that and open it and the text says
"When are you going to breakup with Y/N, it's so annoying how you have to switch from girl to girl, i'm so tired of it i'm doing going to breakup with you"!

You get in a big rage, but also are happy because she's breaking up with him!

Colby Brock X Reader (Secrets) Where stories live. Discover now