Trust issues

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A couple days later after talking to Colby he seemed a little fishy. He kept bringing his phone to the bathroom and he sat on it at the dinner table and he would never leave it anywhere. But it made no sense because the other girl he was talking to is gone he has no way of contacting her. But one day he did leave his phone on the couch while going to the bathroom. So me being the snoopy girlfriend that I am I picked it up to find out he got a PASSWORD! He hasn't had a password since we started dating! I know everyone likes to keep their stuff private but just to get one out of no where and to keep being fishy this is crazy. So when he got out of the bathroom I asked him about it, he said "well I only got one because I just... wanted one." Great lie Colby great lie. Ok I said. He went back to his place later that night and I went to bed.

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