The fight

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I got so pissed off, I kicked Colby in the balls and started beating the shut out of the the girl. I grabbed her hair and started hitting her. I called her every name in the book, asshole, bi*ch, slut, whore, ass clown, head ass, everything. She couldn't even fight back. Colby split us up and wanted to hit him so bad but he kept dodging my hits.
The girl left (probably disappointed because she lost)
Colby said " Y/n I'm so sorry she pressured me into having sex." 
"She pressured you my ass, *I took his phone looked through his dms and he was the one who dmed her!*
"She pressured you my ass, you said that I was out of town and that I wouldn't care or know."
Colby was speechless.
I walked out, deleted his number, and blocked him, but I kept his house key just in case.

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