Christmas Eve Kiss

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        "Hermey, you need to go to bed. If you don't, Santa won't come." Hermey's mother scolded as he refuse to close his eyes. She sits on the edge of his bed pulling the blanket up to his chin. She looks down on the boy, waiting for him to settle down. Hermey frowns at his mothers words. How could he go to sleep? Its Christmas Eve and Santa will be here tonight to give me presents! The small boy thought. He's been good all year, except for a few slip ups like not picking up his toys and pulling his younger sisters hair a few times. He couldn't help that her hair was so fun to pull, and an 8 year old has only so much self control!
        "You know Santa knows whether or not you're sleeping so if you stay awake, he won't come, which means no presents this year" his mom states. Realizing that she does have a point, Hermey sighs, and gives in by closing his eyes and starts to calm down. After a few minutes of silence, it seems like the boy finally drifted off to sleep. His mom slowly leans down to plant a kiss on his forehead and walked out the door, closing it behind her as she tiptoes down the stairs.
       Once he knows his mom has left and is far away from his room, he quickly opens his eyes and sits up. Finally, he thought as he kicks off his blankets and sits on the edge of his bed, scheming on how he's going to accomplish his plan. After years of trying, this will be the year he finally sees Santa Clause. He's only seen the pictures from his story books and the impersonators in the malls. However, this is the year he will see the man he's been obsessing over for a month each year. The reason why he doesn't pull his sisters hair for a month and tries to be extra good in everything he does. The mystery man who leaves him gifts and eats all his cookies. Hermey can barely hold in his excitement as he slowly walks towards his bedroom door, careful to avoid the areas in the hardwood that squeak. Once he arrives at the door, he places an ear and quietly listens to the sounds in the other side, waiting for any sign that Santa has arrived.
       Hermey is now glad that his bedroom is right by the top of the stairs. Before, he hated it because he was easily caught trying to sneak around, but now, he can hear mostly everything happening downstairs.
       Hermey rests on the top stairs in a crouch while peering through the bars on the railing. He adjusts himself so he can see the doorway to the living and waits. His mother is sitting on the couch, looking into the fireplace, she looks as if she's waiting for someone.
       Is she waiting for Santa too? Hermey thought. Its a weird thought since normally he gives toys to children and not their parents.
       Maybe she wants to meet him too. He concluded and continued to watch her, trying not to fall down the stairs as his eyes got heavier and he started to sway a bit. 
       Thud! Hermeys eyes shot open and frantically tried to get a view of the living room. He couldn't get as of a good view he had earlier. It wasn't until two people walked into the door frame where he caught a glimpse of the man he's dreamed about seeing.
       The two adults stood in the doorframe close together. Hermeys mother pointed up.
       "Look, we're under the mistletoe" Hermeys mother giggled.
         A deep chuckle could be heard through the house as the big man in red smirked.
        "You don't have to do this every year you know." The man said in a hushed tone.
        "I know, but I like to. Since a kiss under this hanging plastic plant is traditional, it gives me an excuse if we were caught." The mother said as she wrapped her arms around the other persons neck.
       "Its been a few years since we've started this tradition, Veronica. I think we're fine" Santa said as he leaned in.
        Hermey couldn't believe his eyes. His mother was kissing Santa Clause underneath the mistletoe.
       He pinched himself to make sure that the sight he is witnessing is real. Since it hurt, he assumed it was.
        Hermeys mother started to stroke Santa's long white beard and combed her fingers through it as the kiss deepened. Her fingers slowly moving up and under his chin as she moved them in a tickling sort of way that the other participant seemed to enjoy.
      Hermey didn't dare to move because he feared of getting caught by his mother. who could ground him, and the man who has the power to take away his presents. So, he stayed there watching.
       I wonder how dad would react to this, he quietly thought to himself. He assumed his dad would laugh along with him because this was an entertaining sight. His mother kissing Santa. It's so out of the ordinary and all Hermey could do was quietly watch, even though he desperately wanted to get his sister or father so they could all witness this.
       "I'm sorry Veronica, but I have to cut this visit short this year. I'm running late and I only have so much time." Santa said after breaking away from the kiss.
       Hermeys mother looked sad but understood.
       "Ok, but come early next year then." Veronica said as she lowered her arms from his neck and walked back to the fireplace with the man.
        "See you next year," Santa said, winking at the women before going up the chimney.
       "See you next year..." Veronica sighed and crossed her arms, her gaze going from the fireplace to the presents underneath the tree. She stood there before moving towards the stairs.
        Hermey heard the footsteps towards the staircase so he sprung up and ran back into his room, trying to be careful to not make a noise.
       He snuggles under the covers and reminisces on the events that happened tonight.
       Hermey finally got to see Santa Clause, and his mother ended up kissing him.
       How he was going to tell his sister and his father about this tomorrow were the last thoughts he had before drifting off to sleep satisfied.

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