2 ~ Sleepovers and incredibles 2😴

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Next day

Jayden's Perspective
I wake up at 9:30 in the morning. My brother is still asleep. Probably worked late. I grab my phone and check everything. I see on Quinn's Story it's a picture from her camera roll of people in matching bathing suits and it says can't wait to see these awesome people! I get off my phone, take it off the charger and go downstairs. My Dad and Mom aren't home because they have work. For breakfast I'm trying to eat healthier because the new swim team I'm joining is a better one than my old one. My old one closed down because they didn't pay a few months rent for the place. I have low fat Greek yogurt with mangos, bananas and strawberries cut up in it. I go on my phone and watch YouTube Till I'm done eating. Then I go and get dressed. After I go and brush my teeth and watch Tv.

Quinn's Perspective

I wake up at ten to my alarm on my night stand. I turn it off. I pull out my yoga mat from under my bed and Do 5 minutes of yoga followed up by 10 minutes of stretching. I go into the bathroom and wash my face then do my hair. I put my hair into a pony tail and curl the ends. I go back into my room and make my bed then I get dressed into Blue jean shorts and A floral t-shirt.
I head downstairs and smell some type of food. I go into the kitchen  " Morning," I say. " Morning sweetie," my dad says. He is making Waffles and Bacon. " What do we gotta do today?" I ask. " I gotta unpack some stuff, I gotta get the pool ready so you can train  and  you help me with the dance room tomorrow downstairs . The paint colour's are coming today, the mirror and bar have already come and been installed ," he says. "Cool," I say. He puts a plate of food In Front of me. " Thanks," I say and start eating. He does the same.
I go upstairs and under my bed. I grab my skateboard.

Then I tell my dad I'm heading to the skate park. I get there and there are few people there. I'm the only girl. I start skating till I hear someone call my name. I stop and look behind me. It's Jayden. I skateboard up to him. " Hey Jayden," I say. " Hi," he says. " Nice board," he points at my skateboard. my skateboard is a light blue and on the bottom it's gold glitter. " Thanks," I say. We go and skateboard.
After skateboarding, Jayden and I go and get some ice cream. Then we head back to my house. We walk in then go into the kitchen and see my dad putting dishes into the cupboard.

Jayden's Perspective
" Hey dad,"Quinn says. Issac ( her dad ) turns around. " Hey honey, and Jayden," he says smiling. " Hello, Mr. Rodríguez," I say trying to be polite. " Oh please," her dad says laughing. " Just call me Issac, we don't call any Adults around here by there last name, I mean, I appreciate it but,—" " I think he gets it dad," Quinn says laughing. He nods his head laughing. " There is drinks in the fridge and snacks in the cupboard, Jayden, if you want anything, just come downstairs and grab it, I won't mind," he says. " Ok," I say. We head upstairs into her room. " your dad seems really nice," I say. " Ya, it may help that he was a kindergarten teacher for one year, it was before I was born, then he went back to school twice, once to be a bailiff and to be a chef, now he works in the courtroom and owns his own restaurant," Quinn says. I nod. " My dad Gilbert is A construction worker while my mom Susanne is an accountant," I say. She nods. We plop down on her
Futon. She puts on end of the f**king world and we go on our phones and chat. Suddenly Quinn puts her phone in her pocket and  stands up excitedly. " If you want too and your allowed, wanna stay for supper then have a sleepover tonight at my house?" Quinn asks. "Ya, That would be fun," I say, putting my phone away.

Quinn's Perspective
"Ok, lets go ask my dad,"I say. We head downstairs. " Dad," I callout into the house. " I'm in the living room," my dads faint voice says. We head to the living room to see my dad watching soccer. "Dad, can Jayden stay for supper then a sleepover?" I ask. My dad has let boys sleepover before. He has let boys off my swim team sleepover so he'll probably say yes. " Sure, as long as it's ok with his parents," My dad says. I give him a hug. " Thanks," I say. He nods, then turns his head to watch tv.
We head over to Jayden's house to ask his parents if he can sleepover. We head inside his house. We see, his brother Glihmer watching Tv. "Hey Glihmer, where's mom?"Jayden asks. He turns his head around. "Upstairs in her room cleaning,"he says looking at me. " Thanks," he says. We head up the stairs into his mothers room. "Hey mom,"Jayden says. She turns around. " Hi Jayden and.... Quinn right?" " Ya. Hi Mrs. Croes," I say. She laughs. " Call me Susanne,"she says. I nod. She turns to Jayden. "what is it Jay?" She asks. " Can I sleepover at Quinn's?" Jayden asks. She nods. " ya, " Susanne says. He nods. We go into his room and he packs his bag.

Jayden's Perspective
After I'm done packing my backpack, we leave and head over to Quinn's house. We head up to her room and set her stuff down. " Are you ok with sleeping on a fouton or do you wanna sleep in my bed?" Quinn asks. " Fouton is fine," I say. She nods. She moves the table in front of it to the side of the fouton. The She folds the fouton into a bed. " I'm grabbing sheets and stuff," Quinn says then heads out of the room. Moments later Quinn comes back in with three blankets and 2 pillows. She sets them on the fouton. " I don't know witch way you wanna lay so go ahead and do as you please," she says. I laugh. I make my "bed" then we go and sit on her bed, on our phones. Then we talk until we hear a knock on her door. " come in," she says. Her dad walks in. " supper's ready," he says. Quinn and I nod. We get up and head downstairs to the kitchen. Issac Made us Tacos.
After eating we head back upstairs to her room. We watch some Riverdale for about two hours. " So what do you wanna do?" I ask. " I don't know wait, how about we see a movie?" Quinn says. " Sure!," I stand excitedly. " Can we see I incredibles two please?" I whine on please. She starts jumping " Omg fuck ya!" she yells. I start going though my bad for my Wallet and she grabs her purse and wallet then puts it in her purse. We run down stairs. " Father, dad, parent!" Quinn yells. " Quinn , Jayden I'm downstairs," Issac yells but it sounds faint. Quinn litterally sprints to the stairs and downstairs. I just run cuz ya know. " Dad can we go to the movies?" Quinn says when I get into the room they where in. Her dad was Putting a load in the wash. " Sure, I'll pay for popcorn, Candy, drinks and tickets but if you want there ice cream you gotta pay for that shit yourself," Issac says chuckling. " Ok," Quinn and I say.
* Time skip to when they get to the movies*

After her dad bought our tickets we got in line for the fod. " Hi I would like two medium popcorn a, two medium pops and," Her dad looks at us. " What candy would you like?" He says. " I'll have snickers bites," Quinn says. " I'll have umm... M&Ms," I say. " Ok, what kind of pops you you like?" The lady says. " I'll have a 7 up," I say. " cream soda crush," I say. She nods as she punched that in on the cash thingy. " It's comes to $30.50" Her dad pays for it. Quinn and I say thanks then head into the theater.

Quinn's Perspective

*Time skip again cuz bippity bobbity boo bitch*

After the movie We head back to my house. " So how was the movie?" My dad asks. " Amazing," I say. He laughs. When we get back we thank him for brining us and paying. After Jayden and I head back upstairs. We sit on the fouton. " Fuck what time it is?" Jayden says. I softly laugh. I check the time. " 1:30," I say. Before Jayden says anything I hear a knock on my door. Come in," I say. it's dad. " What up my dadio?" I say. " Your brothers got home from camp a few minutes ago but there asleep," He says. " Really? Oh I say. " ya, Well I'm going to bed night you too," He says. " Night," Jayden and I say. He closes the door. " You have siblings? What are there names?" Jayden asks. " Kian Is my youngest brother. He's 15 where the closest because where twins. The older brother is Xzavier he's 16. "Dam your parents be popping out babies," Jayden says. I throw a pillow at him. " Fuck you and it's only three," I say and laugh. " Hey!" He says and throws it back. I roll my eyes and smile. " In putting on my pyjamas. I'll change in the closet, you can just change there and Tell me when your done," " Ok," I go in the closet and grab black shorts and My Bitch let me sleep t-shirt. " Me done," Jayden says. I come out. and sit on the fouton with him. "So what sports do your siblings do?" Jayden asks. " We all do dance. Xzavier does break dance, I do Hiphop, ballet and jazz, same with Kian. Xzavier also does football and soccer. Kian also does gutair and cooking classes," I say. "Cool" " Bitch I'm tired lets sleep," Jayden says. I laugh. "Ok." I turn off the light and We go to bed. " Night Jayden," " Night Quinn."

Jayden and Quinn hangout everyday and had sleepovers once a week leading up till school. Quinn's dad would be driving them both to school as Quinn and Jayden's parents discussed. I mean they could walk cuz it's like 10 minutes away but there backpacks are packed full.

Hey yallllllllllll what's goooooooooddddd? So I'm bored and ya in writing cuz I wanna write. so ya

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