3 ~ Asswhipes at School📚

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First day of school

Quinn's Perspective

beep beep. beep beep. beep beep.

"Fuck off!" I quietly yell. I open my eyes and shut my alarm off. it's 6:00am. I do my stretches and yoga shit then get up and head downstairs. I hear someone behind me and see Xzavier and Kian trudging behind me. "Sup fuckers," I say. " Morning, fuck face" Xzavier says. " Thats gay fucker to you. and Morning asswhipe," Kain says. Suprise, Kian is gay, who cares I still love my fucker of a twin. I smile and head down the stairs to see Dad. " It's 6:20 am and you are swearing at each other already?" he laughs. " I used to be the same way with your aunt," He laughs again and takes a sip of his coffee. He has to get up for work at 5 and be there by 8:00 so he's always up earlier than us. He usually also don't drive as to school unless it's raining, cold or where refusing to walk. I make my breakfast. I make a smothies. I had a lot left over so I gave it to my asswhipe a of brothers for breakfast. I go upstairs with my smoothie and get dressed. I put on a Marron crop top from pink, black hi waisted Jean shorts and Marron Hi top converse. I go into the washroom and do my hair. Well... take it out of the French braid. I put my hair into a pony tail cuz my hair was wavy and looked bomb if I don't say so myself. I don't wear a lot of makeup ( but I own a lot cuz of dance We have to wear a lot )so I put on mascara, do my eyebrows, put some concelor under my eyes and since I don't gots not pimples currently I'm done. I brush my teeth. I leave my room and grab my backpack and put it downstairs I get my lunch money and put it in my backpack. I run back upstairs, grab my phone and headphones then run downstairs onto the couch. I put in my headphones and Factime My friend Emma from swim team. She goes to my old highschool. I'll miss her this year.

Jayden's Perspective

I'm all ready for school by 6:45 and I'm sitting on the couch on my phone watching some shit on YouTube. " Mom, dad I'm walking to my friends house to walk with his ass to school!" Ghlimer says. " Okay," they both yell. he leaves. I'm kinda excited to go to a new school. My other one was too far. I get a text from Quinn

Quinn💁🏻: Jay u up?

Jayden🐍: nope im sleeping 😂😂

Quinn💁🏻: 😂😂😂I'm like acually fucking bored😂 also is the food good at school😂

Jayden🐍: It's ok but there's a McDonald's, Chipotle and Wendy's across the street😂

Quinn💁🏻: 😂😂

Jayden🐍: Fuck this shit I'm bored at my house can I come over now?😂

Quinn💁🏻: Fucccc ya mannnn😂

Jayden🐍: u actin drunk quinnie but ok😂

I click my phone off. I put my phone and headphones in my pocket. " Mom, dad I'm going to Quinn's see you after school," I yell. " Ok bye," They say. I grab my backpack and head to Quinn's.
" Ok kids get in the car," Issac says. " Shotgun!" Xzavier yells as we walk out the door. Kian, Quinn and I get in the back. Quinn sits in the middle. Xzavier turns on the radio. It plays Betrayed by lil xan. " Yes bitch this is my Jam!" Xzavier says. He turns it up. " Heart shaped kisses I really miss my mistress!" He yells. " You you shut up!" Kian says. Xzavier turns around. " Bitch who you tellin to shut up," Xzavier says. " Xzavier! Kian! Enough!" Isaac says. Issac stops. " Where here," He says. " Bye," We all call out. Xzavier runs off to his friends. Same with Kian. " Did they already go to this school?" I ask. " Ya, I went to another one with all my swim team," Quinn says

Quinn's Perspective

We head inside. We go to the office to get our paper and locker number. I look at Jayden's page. " We have the same lunch and Awesome Lockers beside each other!" I say. He laughs. " We have Sceince and Math together," Jayden says. " I'm good at math and decent at science," I say. " I'm Good at science and decent at math," We smirk. Then we laugh and walk to our lockers.
I just walked English, right before my lunch with my Best friend. I made a few friends in Spanish. I walk and sit in the 3rd row to the back. Three girls and two boys come and sit beside me. " Hi," They all say. " Sup," I nod. " Okay class settle down," The teacher says. " I'm Mr. Jefferson and I'll be your English teacher for the year, I'm pretty easy going but here are the rules I have, Wait till the end for questions, Don't go on your phone till your done your work, listen to what I have to say and try to use indoor voices or be quiet," He says. He hands out a work sheet that's pretty easy and I'm done in five minutes. I go on my phone and text The Sinling group chat called Asswhipes

Quinn💫: You Asswhipes done your work?

Twin Asswhipe👣: Ya English was easy

Older Asswhipe👽: no I'm in a lecture

Twin Asswhipe👣: Ha ha dumb bitch

Older Asswhipe👽: Fuck you fight me bitch

Twin Asswhipe👣: Ok bitch I'll fight you at home and choke you with my Gay flag.

Quinn💫: Yall bitches going to make me laugh in class And if you fight can I record?

" Who you texting?" I hear someone ask. I look up. It's the dude sitting beside me. " oh. my Asswhipes of brothers," I say. He laughs. " Im Liam," He says. " Im Quinn," I say. " so like this class is so fucking easy and he's so nice like I'm bad at English and I gots an 85 in his class last year," Liam says. " Dam," I say. " Ya, So who are your brothers?" He asks. " Kian Rodríguez he's my twin and Xzavier Rodríguez," I say. " Ouuu fuck You gots some hot brothers," Liam says. I laugh. " Oh by the way I'm queer as fuck aka Bi," He says. I laugh. " me too," The girl beside me says. I look beside me. " Hola sorry for butting in I'm Emma," She says. " Hi I'm Quinn and Nice nice, Well Kian would say the same thing," I say. We all laugh. The bell rings. " Fucc let's exchange numbers," I say. We all do and I walk to my locker and put my shit in it. " Quinn," I jump. " Fuck you Jay," I laugh. We grab our lunch money and head to lunch.
It's the end of the day and we walk to our lockers. " Just saying my dad don't pick us up from school unless it's cold, we beg or its raining. plus he's working but he's on a break right now,"I say. Jayden laughs. " Sounds like my dad," He says. We grab our backpacks and put our homework in it. We walk out of the building. " Asswhipe wait up," I hear someone yell. I look behind me and it's Kian. We stop and he runs up to us. " Hey Jayden, Asswhipe," Kian says. " Ph fuck you, Your fighting The other Asswhipe or where y'all bluffing," I say as we walk home. " Wait, Kian and Xzavier are going to fight?" Jayden asks.

Jayden's Perspective

" I mean in the Sibling groupchat they where talking about it," Quinn says laughing. " If we do I'm serous about choking in with my Flag, I'd be choking him with the queer," he says. We all laugh.
" Bye Jayden," Quinn says as her and Kian walk up to her house. " Byeeeee Quinn," I say. I walk a few more steps to my house and See my brother on the couch. " Ok how the fuck did you get home earlier than me," I ask Qilhmer. " Cuz I'm awesome and got driven by My friends parents," He says. " Fuck you and im going upstairs to do my homework," I say. He rolls his eyes and I head upstairs to my bedroom.

Quinn's Perspective

I go inside. " I'm hommmmmeeee!" Kian screams. " And yes I know no one is here," He says. " I saw you where talking to Emma and Liam," Kian says. " How do you, wait your in my class?" I ask. " Ya Asswhipe, I mean I knew you knew I was in your math but dam your blind as fuck," He says laughing. " Says you you dumb fuck," I say laughing. We head upstairs. I go to my room he goes to his, witch is right across from mine. I go into my room and do my homework, it took like twenty minutes becuse it was easy. I went in Google classroom on my laptop to see if there was any assignments. There wasn't, So I change into my One piece black bathing suit, grab my goggles and go into my washroom to change into it so I could practice for swim team that starts next week. I grab a towel and go outside.

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hello to the people who are reading this. How are y'all? Ik this is kinda boring rn but ya! I'm weird I'm sorry. DoN't JuDgE mY lIfE cHoIcEs. Are you people's liking the longer chapters?

Sorry for all the queerness in this. Just I'm Bi or pan ( idk anymore ) so ya I'm Queer as fuck 😂😂😂😂 so it kinda rubs off on my writing sometimes😂😂.

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I love y'all


1614 words

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