Daddy I Love You

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Back when I was three

He’s my favorite buddy.

With him I could act silly,

With him I could be me.

He played with me all day,

Grants my wish without delay

Believes in all that I say

And loves me in all means and way

But when I turned nine

I started to draw a line

Oust him out my life’s design

Even though he is benign

Now I am a teenager

Still our bond is not better

And it got worse than ever

Now we seldom talk to each other

But nevertheless I love Dad

I know I’ve been very bad

Doing things that make him sad

And even making him mad

But I wish to talk to him

And to still witness him beam

See him live with full of whim

I wish to still be with him

In the day that he rested

I was feeling so dejected

Many things were left unsaid

So please rise up from that bed

‘Cause now you’ll never see me

When I graduate and marry

For your death I’m not ready

Please don’t leave me Daddy

Yes, nobody seen me cried

‘Cause all my pain I tried to hide

But even though how hard I tried

Still I grief because of this plight.

Please don't leave, i don't  want you to go

when you leave my life will be over too

but if that's what you really want to do

Please first let me say 'Daddy i love you".

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