V. The Winged One

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Jak sighed as they left the Baazar, "Are you feeling alright Dei?"

Deitonin looked a bit pale as he walked along beside him, "Not really...but I'll live..."

"Should we go back to Onin?"

"No no no...Let's go to the Oracle."


Deitonin draped an arm around his shoulders, "It's that statue in the docks where the Pumping Station gate is..."

Jak found himself blushing as he was surrounded by Deitonin's spicy cinnamon scent, "Okay...can I ask why?"

He was about to reply when he suddenly stopped walking. Jak frowned as Deitonin's eyes flared up green again, his pupils became slits as he took off running towards him.

Deitonin scooped Daxter and Shadow off the ground before grabbing Jak, who stiffened up as the ground fell under his feet. They landed on a nearby roof as Krimson Guards came into view below.

He heard Deitonin hiss in pain as the sound of bones shifting came from him, but he was fine when Jak looked back at him. His eyes shuddered from green to a glacial blue to the usual red-black as he watched him in silence.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Daxter yowled glaring at him.

Deitonin sighed as he looked down at the guards, "The Krimson Guard...Veger...they're looking for us all..."

Shadow settled beside his master and placed a paw on his forehead, "You're burning up!"

"It's adrenaline Shadow."

"Did you..." He trailed off as Deitonin nodded.

"What did you do?" Jak asked.

Deitonin gritted his teeth as he heaved himself to his feet, "Ah...It's a concept...your kind isn't accustomed to..."

"What sort of concept?"

"I cannot explain..." Deitonin said turning away, revealing that he had two slits running up the back of his armor...


Deitonin sighed as he knelt down, suddenly extremely pale, "Ah...that doesn't feel good..."

Jak went to his aid, "Are you alright?"

Shadow moved past him and helped Deitonin to his feet, "Easy...easy...There you go."

Daxter crossed his arms, "Hey Birdman, how are we supposed to get down from here?"

Deitonin glowered at the Ottsel, "Birdman?"

"Uh, yeah? You have bird wings, don't you?"

He hissed in pain as he held himself, Jak flinched back as massive bat wings erupted from his back, "They're...chiropteran...!" Deitonin snarled as blood began to trickle from the side of his mouth.

He picked up Shadow and placed him on his shoulder before approaching Jak, "We should go back to Spargus...It is no longer safe here..."



Jak held Deitonin up as they walked towards Jak's house, just then a piercing whistle echoed behind them. They looked back to see Kleiver walking towards them, "Hey! Damas wants you guys up in the Arena for the next Arena challenge!"

Jak and Deitonin looked at each other with worry, then Deitonin stood tall, "As you wish..."

Kleiver glowered at them before walking off, Jak watched his friend in horror as he pulled the blade from his mouth, "You must have a really deep throat," Daxter blurted, "If you know what I mean."

Deitonin flashed them a sly smile, "You don't even know..."

Jak suddenly found himself laughing at his friend's joke, Deitonin spun his blade and waved at a few passing women. They turned their noses up at him and stalked up, probably sickened by his performance in the Arena.

He frowned, "Let's just get this Arena challenge over with..."


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