IX. Dawn of The Light Warriors

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Deitonin came to his senses as the Light Eco faded from his blood. He sat before a massive statue of this world's gods with Count Veger standing by his side with some Precursor Monks.

"How does it feel to be the first Light Warrior...Deitonin?"

Deitonin slowly got to his feet, he sighed as a weightless sensation flowed over him, "I'm not the first..."


He chuckled hoarsely, "Jak beat you to the punch..."

Veger frowned, "Shut up boy! Listen, I know you worked for Baron Praxis, but now you work for me."

"I never agreed to this."

"You didn't have to agree. I'm the leader of Haven City, and you're my right hand man."

Deitonin frowned, "Do I have to dress up like your little friends here?"

"As a matter of fact, you do." Veger snapped, "Take him away."

-•-•-JAK'S POV-•-•-

Jak found his way to what remained of the Baron's prison, which wasn't that much, only the outer wall he escaped through only a couple years ago.

He found Veger standing with what appeared to be a Precursor Monk, but he was a lot larger than any he'd seen. The Count smirked as they approached, "Say hello to my Light Warrior, Deitonin."

Jak gaped at the Monk, "You've got to be kidding me..."

Deitonin looked down at him and sighed, "Jak."


Veger clapped his hands together, "Alright. Kill him."

Jak watched as Deitonin was engulfed in the same blue light as he did when he was exposed to Light Eco. He stepped forward and unsheathed his claymore, which was now thin and white like a katana, "Forgive me Jak."

"Do something Jak! He's gonna kill us!" Daxter screamed in his ear.

Jak took out his Morph Gun, "I don't want to fight you Dei."

Deitonin's white eyes then widened as a black light filled them, he roared as his antlers came to the fore as he lunged at them. Jak dodged him with ease, given to the fact that Deitonin missed on purpose. He came after him and slashed the side of his leg, tearing through the muscle and scratching the bone.

Jak lost his balance as blood splattered from his leg, Deitonin grabbed him by the throat and lifted him from the ground, "I never thought I would be seeing the light leave your eyes..."

"Dei, you don't have to do this. Please Dei!"

Deitonin smirked, "You're right." He set him on his feet, "Now get out of here."

"What about you?" Jak asked looking up into his sad eyes.

"I'll be fine for awhile..." Deitonin replied forcing a smile.

Jak was about to speak when suddenly sparks erupted around his friend, Deitonin dropped to his knees as blood splattered from his mouth. Veger glared at them, "You fools! How dare you corrupt my Light Warrior with your insufferable Darkness!"

"Shut up Count Vulgur-"

"It's Veger!" He spat glaring at the Ottsel, who smirked, "Now leave this place! You shouldn't even be alive!"

Jak took a step back, but collapsed as the pain in his leg became too great, he sighed as he looked up at the sky in silence...

His whole body hurt from the blow...

The blood was surging in his veins as it gushed from the wound...

He let his eyes close...


Suddenly a blue light flowed over him, along with a feminine voice.

"Jak...awaken...It isn't your time yet..."

His eyes fluttered open to see a glowing figure looming over him, Jak saw that it was his Light Warrior.

But a girl...

"What? Who are you...?"

She giggled, "I'm you silly! Call me Yin."

Jak frowned, "If you're a girl, how are you me?"

"Yin is the feminine principle of the Human Soul..."

"Then where's the masculine-"

"Here I am, you dope!"

Jak looked back as his Dark Warrior touched down behind him, he wore a dark outfit with a silvery ribbon-like cloth running from each lapel and around his back. He smiled, showing all his fangs, "Call me what you want, but my name is Yang."

He smiled as they pulled him to his feet, "Where are we?"

Yin placed a gentle hand on his chest, "Here."

"My heart?"

"Your soul." Yang replied narrowing his eyes.


Suddenly Daxter's voice broke through the world, "JAK!! WAKE UP!!"


The Ottsel's furry face suddenly appeared before them, illuminating the dark plane in an orange light, "COME ON JAK!! SAY SOMETHING TO ME! JUST THIS ONCE!!"

He felt furry hands on his shoulders and the sensation of being shaken.

"Go to him Jak..." Yin said.

"Follow your own path boy..."


Jak's eyes snapped open as he drew in a sharp breath, Daxter embraced him as tears streamed down his cheeks, "Oh my goodness! I thought you were dead! Your heart wasn't beating and you were bleeding all over the place! Please don't ever leave me again!"

Jak gritted his teeth as he sat up, his whole body was stiff and he felt as though all his energy was gone, "Agh...what happened to me?"

"Oh, we'll, first of all: you got your ass kicked by Deitonin. Second, you passed out like a bitch. Third, Deitonin was taken away by Count Vegan!"


"Don't you correct me!"

Jak sighed as he looked at his leg, it was still injured, but the wound was slowly healing as lilac and blue veins formed around them.

Yin and Yang...

"Thank you..."

"For what?" Daxter asked.

"Never mind...Let's go to the Naughty Ottsel...I need a drink."


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