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"SUSPENDED!!!" I stand up knocking my chair over, too shocked to care about picking it up.

"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! HOW DARE YOU SUSPEND ME! I'M CALLING MY LAWYER!" I shout in fury, picking out my phone and pretending to dial a number, hoping to scare Pete- sorry I mean Mr Bolton-No, I actually mean Pete.

Tap, Tap, Tap.

"Myah, Lawyers don't deal with these kind of things, and plus, if you do so happen to get a willingly lawyer, all I have to do is show them the school cameras and you'd probably get into more trouble considering all the bad things you've done."

I scoff, "Name One!"

"Well there was that time where you bought pigeons into the school hallways and they crapped everywhere, there was also that time where you took all the teachers keys to their cars-Including mine!- and you sold them to the homeless guy around the corner, and what about the time where you held up the traffic because you said you lost your earring on the crossroad so you decided to stay put in the middle of the road on your hands and knees, surveying the road for your $10.00 earring, AND! AND! AND! the time where you invited those random people into the school building-WITHOUT MY CONSENT!- and the time where you st-" he rambles on.

"I said to name ONE! not TWENTY!" I roll my eyes.

"Myah, it's only a few weeks, you're lucky I had second thoughts on expelling you!" he says.

"You were thinking of expelling me? after all I've done for you? You mean to tell me that this bond,- this friendship bond we have created over the years meant absolutely NOTHING to you?" I raise my voice.

"Myah, sit down, you need to take all this in" he replies softly.


"Fine! But I'm only sitting because I want to!" And with my words hanging in the air, so does my legs, because me being so stupid and ignorant to the chair I had previously just knocked over and had forgotten to pick up, left me sprawled out on the ground, with one leg in the air, and the other twisting-like a pretzel.

I learnt a special lesson that day,

Abuse to chairs is NOT okay.


"I know right!"

Currently, I'm talking to my Best friend Trinity- Trinity and me have been friends since Kindergarten- I was a cute toddler then, now I'm a grown bomb ass woman!

Who got suspended.

pft, details!

Trinity is in shock slash rage slash surprised slash upset slash hungry.

She's on her period.

After the lecture with Pete, I walked home and was met at the door with a furious looking mum, cut the story short- she gave me an even bigger lecture, took my devices (I stole my phone back when she wasn't looking, that's how I'm talking to Trinity) and now I'm grounded for more weeks than my suspension. meaning forever. life. everlasting .

I'm about to finish off talking about what had happened with Pete to Trinity when all of a sudden mum pops her head through the door-


Well I'm known for acting on instinct, and trust me, mum would wring my neck if she found out I disobeyed her, so I did the stupidest thing and threw my phone across the room and had to hear the glass shatter,

Just like my heart!

My shattered heart started beating faster because I knew I wasn't the only one the room who heard that.

Stupid me!

I still in my place, frozen. Afraid of what's going to happen next.

Am I to die? will she give me up for adoption? do I have to sleep outside? Will she disown me? even worse...will she sell my secret stash of candy away to the pest of neighbours next door? Their daughter may be cute, but she is a devil child! I keep two litres of holy water in my room just in case mum decides to oh so lovely invite over the Davidson family, and that she-devil comes trotting up to my bedroom door like the little troll she is, then- I baptise her! I'll throw so much water on her, it'll make her feel like she's drowning in a swimming pool. heh.

"MYAH!-" she starts, and starts walking in the direction of my candy stash.


"MUM! WAIT! I'M SORRY!!! PLEASE DON'T GIVE MY SECRET STASH OF CANDY AWAY TO LITTLE SYLVIA! PLEASE MUM! PLEASE!" I beg her, I have my arms sprawled out with my back against my draws, protecting my little babies. my face in what I presume a face that is mock crying? or am I really crying? I'm not sure. Mum looks at me weirdly before trying to remove my body away from my drawer. too bad I have a tight grip.

"MYAH! ...*puff*... GET OFF ...*puff*...NOW!" she screams while trying to pull my body away from the drawer.


She huffs, retreating back and gives me a scary terrifying look- the 'Mum' look.


Who am I to stand in between mum and my precious candy?

Reluctantly, I crawl away from the drawer of goodies and watch in horror as my fully grown mother, stuffs her face with the chocolates I have been keeping for myself for when I'm on my period.

Oh the horror!

"MUM! I hope one of those chocolate bars was rotten!"

"Oh hush hush, thanks for the sweets hun!" she says walking away from the drawer with her hands and pockets filled with candy.

Maybe she forgot about the phone?


Mum pops her head back in as I dance to myself.

"Oh and by the way! I'm doubling your chores! HAHA! Have a nice sleep" she walks away chuckling.

kill buzz.

How to escape the house tomorrow? hmm...



This calls for a toast!



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^^^Kidding- Guuurl, this ain't no YouTube!

Love Ree x

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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