Chapter 4 Jasmine and John

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I'd love to say that I went to the pub just to get a drink but I always have more then one motive for doing something.
If you want to hear all the gossip, the pub is the best bet and I was desperate to find out this town's dirty laundry.
I had been sitting at the bar for almost twenty minutes now and I hadn't heard anything new.
This is boring I thought and I started to leave but I heard someone call my name.
the voice sounded familiar, “Lilly, is that you?” I finally recognised the voice, it was the gym instructor.
It took him a while to reach the bar but he finally did and he pulled up a stool beside me.
“How's the shoulder?” he asked.
“It's getting better” I replied.
“I forgot to introduce myself” the gym instructor said “my name's John”.
“hi John” I said.
We sat in silence for a while before I asked “What brings you here?”
“It's my birthday so I'm out on the town tonight” said John.
“Oh, happy birthday” I said in a cheerful voice.
John looked slightly amused by my happiness about such a trivial fact and said “now it's your turn”.
“Huh” I responded, I had just been distracted by a conversation at another table.
“It's your turn” he repeated and waited patiently.
“My turn for what?” I said, pulling my attention away from listening to the other table, in order to answer him.
“It's your turn to tell me why you're here” said John patiently.
“Um” I said, still trying to listen to the other table “I had a bad day at work” I said.
John was a nice person but even the nicest people can piss you off when your trying to concentrate and I was starting to get annoyed.
“Well” said John hastily as he saw the expression on my face “I'd better go, I guess I'll see you some other time”.
I watched him go feeling a little guilty.
I should have paid more attention to him I thought to myself
With John gone, I could now direct my attention back to that table but I saw, to my dismay, that the occupants were gone.
I thought about the parts of the conversation I did manage to hear.
“she's been missing for more than two weeks” the girl had said.
“Well, the gossip on the grape vine is that the girl's mum was framed so the dad could get full time custody” the boy had responded.
And that, was all I had managed to hear. I gave up after that, the couple from that table weren't coming back.
And their conversation was the only relevant conversation I had heard all night, it was time to go home.
When I woke up the next morning I had this nagging feeling that I had to do something and it took me a while to work out what it was.
Of course, I needed to apologise to John.
It was mid-morning by the time I got to the gym but I made it. When I got to the glass door I saw John with a bunch of kids sitting in front of him.
Overwhelmed by curiosity I quietly opened the door and went inside.
John was teaching the kids how to signal for help, to boats, to planes and even to cars, it was a very interesting class.
When the class finished John came up to me.
“I'm sorry about yesterday” I said quietly “I was very distracted last night”.
“I'm still not happy with you” said John in an angry voice.
For a moment I thought he was serious but then he smiled and said.
“I know how you can make it up to me”.
“How?” I responded relieved that I could fix things.
“By going out with me” John said.
“What?” I said in shock.
“I'm serious” John said as he saw my shocked expression “when are you next free?” he asked.
“Tomorrow” I said without thinking
“Good, I'll be there at six in the evening to pick you up” he said and started walking away.
“You don't even know where I live!”
I shouted to his retreating back.
I was puzzled, how did John know where I lived?
Was he a cop working undercover?
Was he a stalker?
I kept thinking about it for the whole drive home.
It was annoying not working. I had nothing to keep me occupied and I had no hobbies.
Well almost no hobbies.
I decided that I was going to have to get used to that hobby and I drove myself to one of the best buildings in town.
The library was quiet today, I guess that wasn't surprising, it was lunch time and everyone was probably at lunch.
I found a seat on the second floor couch and started reading the books I had selected.
Being a DI in the police force made people think that you wanted to be strong and tough.
But that was not me and anyone who could see what I was reading would know that, I never believe in violence.
I hate hurting people, even if it is in self-defence, I shuddered as I thought of the incident three days ago.
My books were all on body language, negotiating, psychology and reacting calmly in a hostile situation.
I hoped that some day I'd find the information useful.
The library was good place to be, it was quiet. It had air-conditioning.
It had free internet and I could never get bored there.
The voices started to die down after a while but I only realised the library was closing when the lights started to go out.
I ran towards the exit but by the time I got back down to the first floor I was too late, I was locked in the library!
I wasn't dressed in my police uniform so I had no torch or police radio. My phone was low on battery and
had only one bar of signal so I couldn't call anyone. Crap! What the hell was I supposed to do! Did I
mention that I don't like being in the dark? Well...I don't like being in the dark! I was almost smack-bang in the middle of the library which meant that barely any light reached me and, even though I have good night-time vision.
I couldn't see a thing.
I have two options I thought to myself.
I could try and find the library’s phone and call someone to get me out of here. Or I could sleep here for the night.
I opted for the latter and went to lie on the couch but as soon as I did I heard a small noise.
Was that a mouse? I thought to myself.
I hope not, I hate mice!
After putting up with the noise for nearly twenty minutes my paranoia got the better of me.
I grabbed a book and went on a mouse hunt.
My eyes could now see the outlines of the shelves so I didn't run into anything.
I got to the place where the noise was coming from and I threw the book in that direction.
I expected to hear a small thump, a loud squeak and then a peaceful silence.
Instead I heard a hard thump and then a loud “Ouch!” from the darkness.
“Who the heck are you?” I asked the “Ouch”.
“My name's Jasmine” responded the “Ouch”.
I had by then established that the “Ouch” was a girl and that she was in her teens.
I was very good at picking someone's gender and age
simply by hearing their voice.
A tool I never quite appreciated, until now.
“How old are you?” I asked the girl.
“Seventeen” she responded.
“What are you doing in here?” I said, puzzlement was easily detectable in my voice.
“I live here” said Jasmine.
“What?” I said hoping I had heard wrong.
“I live here” repeated Jasmine.
“Why?” I said stunned.
“Because I have no where else to go” Jasmine said.
“Do you enjoy living here?” I asked curiously.
I had never met anyone who lived in a library.
“I used to” Jasmine said sadly.
“you could come live with me” I offered.
“Um, it's dark, I've only just met you.
I have no idea what you look like and for all I know you could be violent. You threw a book at me a few minutes ago” Jasmine reminded me as I started to protest.
“Oh, sorry about that” I said feeling guilty, “I'm a cop, if that makes you feel better”.
“Can I see your badge?” Jasmine asked excitedly.
“I thought we established that we couldn't see anything in here” I teased.
“what are you?” she asked.
“I'm a DI” I said, after some thought.
“What are you?” Was a pretty general question.
Jasmine and I talked for a while but eventually, overwhelmed by tiredness, I fell asleep.
I awoke to the sound of the door unlocking, I looked around for Jasmine, but she was gone.
Was Jasmine a dream? I thought to myself, everything seemed too detailed for a dream.
I stood up and stretched as I did I heard a loud crack.
Those library sofas were definitely not meant to be slept on I thought as I tried to relax my body.
It didn't take long for the librarian to see me but when she did she was quite clearly shocked.
“What are you doing here?” she said with a startled look.
“I got locked in” I said dismissively.
“WHAT?” she said in an angry voice.
“I got locked in” I repeated.
“When I get a hold of that girl, she is going to be in a lot of trouble” said the librarian quite clearly furious.
I went to walk away but I suddenly had an idea.
“I met someone in here yesterday” I said.
“I was going to give them my number but they left before I got the chance” I continued.
“If I write down my name and number and put it on the table over there, can you make sure that it stays
there?” I asked.
The librarian nodded “I'll do what I can” she said, I didn't doubt her one bit.
I hadn't forgotten about my date with John.
In fact I was really looking forward to it.
I hadn't dated someone in a long time.
Since I didn't want to get locked in the library for a second time, I didn't go back there, instead I went for a girl's day out. None of my girlfriends were free on such short notice but that was ok, I wasn't much of a talker.
I booked all my appointments so I didn't have much of a wait in between them, and then went to the city. I was going to get the works today, a hair cut, a body wax, a manicure, a pedicure and even a new dress (it was long overdue).
By the time it was four everything was finished and I, looked incredible.
I was home by five which gave me plenty of time to get ready. I brushed my teeth, I cleaned my shoes.
It had been a while since I had worn a normal pair of good shoes.
I put on my make-up and I was ready by the time the door-bell rang.
John was standing at my door with a bunch of flowers, he had a nice black suit on and he was wearing black shiny boots.
“Tell me something” I said to him as we arrived at the restaurant and sat down at the table.
“What do you want to know?” John asked.
“How do you know where I live?” I asked.
“I checked your gym membership” John said with a hint of amusement in his voice.
I must be really paranoid I thought to myself.
His answer was so simple and here was I thinking he was a
secret agent.
Maybe it was good that I was suspended, I needed a break.
“What are you thinking about?” I heard John say.
“Work” I said with a sigh “I'm always thinking about work”.
“you need to stop thinking about work” John said “it will do your head in”.
John was right, of course, no one likes a workaholic.
John had my full attention for the rest of the night.
We had a great time, we talked about our home towns, our parents, our pets I even told him about being locked in the library. He was shocked but still found it funny.
It had been a long night John dropped me back at my place and walked me to my door.
“I really want to see you again, so I call you during the week” John said and with that, he turned and walked back to his car.
I woke up to the phone ringing, I reached toward the beside table and felt around blindly for the phone.
I eventually found it.
“Hello” I said with a slow voice and a loud yawn.
“Hello” responded the voice “is this Lilly Jeslane?”
Oh great, a sales person I thought to myself.
“What do you want” I said in a fairly agitated tone.
“It's me, Jasmine” the voice said, who's Jasmine?
I thought to myself and then, it clicked.
“You're the library girl? I asked.
“Ah...I” she responded in a slightly puzzled voice.
“What can I do for you Jasmine?” I said in a more awake and friendly tone.
“Does the offer still stand?” She asked cryptically.
“Does offer still-” I repeated “oh, you mean you coming to live with me?” I asked.
“Yes” said Jasmine.
“Yes, the offer still stands but there are conditions” I said.
“What conditions?” Jasmine asked.
“You have to cook dinner, do the washing up and keep the house clean” I said.
“Ok, I can do that” Jasmine said.
I had found a room mate, she needed a free place to stay and I needed the company.
I was very happy, I had something to distract me from work, my case and the up coming police inquiry.
I had been suspended for four days now and the case I had been working on was still on going. I tried my best to help but it wasn't easy.
I couldn't go access any files in the police station.
It was hard, really hard.
I had asked Jasmine to help by listening to the gossip around town.
So far it had turned up nothing.
I needed something to do so, I called my sister.
“Are you free?” I asked.
“Yes” she said instantly.
I sat in my sister's sitting room and she passed me a hot cup of tea.
I hadn't spoken to her for more then a week and we had a lot to talk about. I told her her everything, I decided that right now.
I needed someone to talk to and that the confidentiality of the case could go to hell.
“So, let me get this right” Amanda said after hearing my long and frustrating story.
“you got suspended for hurting someone? Who was trying to kill you?”
“Yes” I replied.
“And it could take up to a month before you are cleared?” my sister said.
“Yes” I responded, following it with a loud sigh.
Amanda sympathised with me. She know that my work was my world and that it was frustrating for me to find other things to do.
“What about John?” my sister asked as we stood at her front door.
“Oh him” I said with a slightly bored voice.
“He said he would call me, I wonder if he will” I said as I walked out the door.
Amanda waved goodbye as I hopped into my car.
She smiled as I drove past but as I glanced in my rear-
vision mirror I could see that she was anything but happy.
I was doing some vacuuming when the phone rang.
“Hello Lilly speaking” I said in a clear voice.
“Lilly, this is Nathan, one of the members on the CCC board, your questioning will start tomorrow” and with that the phone went dead.
Great, I thought sarcastically.
I will face a long round of questioning by all these snobby CCC (Corruption and Crime Commission) board members.
That could last up to three days.
I grabbed my car keys and handbag.
If I was going to keep my job I needed to seek legal advice. With that thought in mind I locked the house and headed to my car.
The lawyer I chose was very nice and was pretty sure he could clear me of using excessive force.
I left satisfied, my lawyer could get any of the notes regarding this inquiry/trial and I was pretty sure I would be cleared. Then I can get back to the real case I thought to myself as I walked to my car.
I had been driving for about ten minutes before I realised I was being followed by a black commodore and, it was catching up fast.
Ok, maybe I'm over reacting I thought hopefully, well there's one way to find out I thought as I switched on my indicator. After about five minutes I was sure I was being followed and that I was in a lot of trouble.
My car was a new one and it had blue-tooth.
It connected to my mobile and today that might just save my life.
The police station was on speed-dial so I got through fast.
“Hi, it's Lilly I'm being tailed by a black Holden commodore” I said as the car nearly collided with a vehicle coming the other way.
I cursed under my breath, I had never been fond of commodores.
“What is the number plate number?” the person asked.
“Um” I said as I spared a quick glance into my rear-vision mirror.
“It's 428 HNY” I said in a panicky voice a the vehicle came up beside me at red traffic light.
The light suddenly turned green and I sped off thanking my lucky stars that I hadn't been shot.
“Where are you?” the voice asked.
“I'm on the highway and I just drove past the Kyrodo exit” I said trying to lose the car.
“Our helicopter is on it's way, do we have your permission to track your GPS?” the voice asked.
“Yes” I said highly distracted by a traffic jam that was starting to happen “Just hurry up!”
I went off at an exit to avoid the traffic jam and followed the tailing “rule”. Indicating in one direction and
turning in the other direction.
I was speeding and terrified but it wasn't long before I heard a reassuring sound.
The police helicopter was flying above us.
I was used to hearing the police helicopter but I had never been more glad to see it.
They had been flying over us for less then a minute but already I could hear police sirens.
I thought I was safe and I was car stalled.
I was out of fuel.
Crap! This was really bad!
I tried to restart my car but the commodore was weaving though traffic and coming towards me at a rapid rate.
With one smart move I opened the car door and quickly jumped on the bonnet of another car as it overtook my vehicle.
The only thing holding me onto the vehicle was the steel bonnet guard that I had hooked my feet on.
I had not way of talking to the police as I didn't have time to grab my mobile phone.
I could only hope that the helicopter was low enough to see what was happening. 'My life flashed before my eyes' would n't be how I'd describe my life right now.
I saw street signs flashing before my eyes. The car I was on was definitely speeding!
My feet were starting to get sore from being hooked in the steel bonnet guard and I was starting to get cold.
I suddenly heard a loud bang.
The police had caught up to the commodore and one of the cops had managed to shoot out one tire.
The commodore swerved and braked suddenly.
This caused the commodore to go into a deadly flip.
The car flipped three times, I couldn't see the people in the vehicle but I was sure they were dead.
As soon as the car I was riding on knew it was no longer being pursued it stopped and I stumbled off the car.
I could feel the circulation returning to my feet with every painful step I took.
I walked up to the cop car which had now stopped.
One cop had got out and was closing off one lane.
The other cop was radioing for an ambulance.
It took a while but eventually the adrenalin wore off and I burst into tears.
I spent almost twenty minutes crying while waiting for the ambulance arrive.
I had blankets heaped over me.
I was feeling still feeling cold and it was starting to rain. Eventually a policeman came up to me and told me I could go. It was only then that I realised I had a car with no fuel in it and that I only had one way of getting home.
I found my phone after searching through my car, I dialled the number and wait for someone to pick up.
“Hello?” said the voice
“John?” I responded
“yes, Lilly? Is that you?” he asked
“Yes it me” I confirmed “listen I need a favour...”

Author's note:
Remember, if you like it rate it! If you don't like it, feel free to comment (I'm always open to feedback).

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