2: A Little Scratch Match

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Hinata POV

An hour later

"Tanaka's team wins!"

I gaze over to the score board, '22-25' it reads, if it wasn't for Tsukishima's amazing blocking I don't think we would've won....

"Both teams did well considering they lacked a setter" Suga stands up from the bench and approaches everyone else, mumbling some stuff of to Dachi that isn't really audible.



"It's pack up time, can you help Ennoshita with the Volleyballs?" Suga asks, pointing over to where the second year is standing.

"Uh- Sure!" I scratch my head, that noise I just made was so embarrassing....


"Hey Hinata! Can I talk to you for a second?" I was walking my bike out of school but it seems Suga wants to talk...

"Uh- Yeah?"

He approaches me, I think I can see Dachi's figure walking off in the opposite direction.... they must of been talking about me....

"So, what made you come to Karasuno?" He asks, now perfectly aligned with me.


"Like, why our volleyball team?" He repeats

"Oh...well, for me it was The Little Giant! I remeber in elementary school I saw him doing those amazing spikes and it was so cool! I wanted to become a volleyball player just like him! A spiker, an Ace!"

"Well...with the jumps I saw last year at the  Prefecture in the City Gymnasium's.... I think you're more then caple of that!"


"You just need to find a setter that can unlock your potential, and this might be rough to hear, but I don't think I'm that setter"

"I- you think- that...that..."

"Last year, with that team you pulled together when you versed Kitagawa Daiichi? Those jumps you did were incredible! And If you found the right setter..."

"You...You think that all I'm missing is a setter?" I stutter out, still in awe from what Suga's saying.

"Well you still need to learn a lot more techniques and spikes if you really want to maximize your
potential, but the right setter can put you track for all of that

Awe.... Suga could've said 'Set me up'.... what a missed opportunity....

"R-Right! But you still can set for me?" I stutter again, tripping over all my thoughts and words...

"Of course! I may not be the best setter for you, but I am a setter with experience, I'll try and adapt to your needs" He smiles strongly, fixing his posture and straightening himself up.

"Ah- Thanks! At this rate we'll be able to defeat the King!" I exclaim!

"The King? You mean Tobio Kageyama?"


A violent blush appears on my face, the stupidity of what I just said is rushing to my cheeks.

"Well, uh-"

"I remember the feud you two had last year, he was probably the only person on Kitagawa Daiichi that took you seriously, and actually saw you as a threat" Suga comments, thinking back through his memories.

"Y-Yeah....I...I vowed to defeat him! After what happened last...year I won't lose to him again!" This is embarrassing, the colour is still as bold on my face as ever.

"So that's your motivation, you want to defeat the King" Suga gets near my face with a worryingly large grin, "And I bet he wants to defeat you just as much"


"I, ah, um- how, you don't- he probably....- has a different look on it!" I'm still blushing like crazy....

"Well... Considering he was sobbing his eyes out in the bathroom after that huge vow you two made....I think it's pretty serious" Suga, leans back, crossing his arms and replacing his weird smirk with a more genuine grin.

"Wha- Sobbing!? Like as in, Crying!?" I fall back into stuttering, I didn't expect this...?

"Yeah, I took Tanaka to the bathroom while Daichi was waiting near our car and apparently Tobio made an excuse to go to the bathroom to cry" Suga explains, keeping his posture still.


"And I haven't heard from him since, I'm sure if we asked some people in the volleyball community they'd know what highschool he ended up joining, but it's probably a prestigious school, like Aoba Jonsai or Kousen Academy, that have amazing Volleyball teams" Suga adds.

"Why... Why would the King take me seriously? Why would he...."

I know that for months now I've been thinking about Kageyama regularly, wanting and yearning to defeat him but.... He wants to crush me too? But he has everyone he needs to crush me right here right now! And he's already crushed me once!

"I think you two make quite the rivals... But remember Hinata, you need to grow before you can fly on your own" Suga readjusts his bag and turns to walk away.

"You'll be a great asset to our team" Is the last thing he says before walking off the same way Daichi went.....


My goal is achievable, and now I have a team to do it with too.

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