Vampire Hater (10)

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My heart had felt as if it stabbing occurred, "Last Husband?" I asked a bit shocked, "I'm not the first?" my voice was getting weaker, what the bloody hell... Grayson is more cold-hearted than I thought. "What happened? Why didn't it last?"

Lexi sighed as she kicked her feet in the water, 'Well... Tami was in love with him, she wanted a marriage, he didn't care for it but still did it. Although when we found out that the 'Lightest one' was here and was a girl, Grayson had to marry you, they called a divorce and he went after you, she's angry." Lexi explained not looking at me.

I ruined it? I got up and ran to Grayson, Lexi called after me but I didn't go back, I would hate me if I were Tami, I have to fix this. I opened the door to Graysons' room suddenly, he looked at me a bit shocked, he was putting on his shirt I turned a bit red but gritted my teeth, "I want  a divorce!" I called out.

He looked at me in even more shock, "I don't want Tami to feel the way she's feeling...even though she's a pain I wouldn't want to go through the same thing, you can marry Tami and lock me up...I wont run away" I said.

Grayson stayed speechless , "Your crazy, when our wedding day was over that's when I decided I will keep you forever and make you fall for me, in the end you belong to me and I to you, If you need help I'll be there and If I need help you'll be there, Tami is annoying she isn't as entertaining as you" he smirked.

I blushed a bit, "But she's a vampire, I thought your theory was vampire before any breathing thing" I muttered, he narrowed his eyes at me.  I looked outside and yawned the sun was setting and I wanted to sleep, "Your really weird Grayson, you'll never get me to fall for you" I said getting comfy on the mattress, "Grayson?"

Grayson said nothing as he got on the mattress too, he and I under the covers and closed his eyes. "What?" he sighed as he moved the opposite side of me. So our backs were facing each other.'

"I'll never fall for you"


I woke up and it was freezing, I cuddled up to something even more cold but didn't let go, whatever it was it was comfy and I loved the way it felt, it wrapped its arms around me and pushed my closer to its body, I opened my eyes and screamed to see me and Grayson cuddling, "Oh your awake" Grayson mumbled, "Time for school" he yawned.

I said nothing as he got up, how was he so calm about this? I rolled my eyes and ran to take a shower, I did my hair and make up then ran down stairs to eat breakfast, I looked as Grayson came down the stairs as well, I hated to say it but he looked amazing, his shirt outlined his abs and his hair side swept.

"Are you done eating?" he asked I nodded, "I'm driving you to school" he said as he gulped down his blood packets, I scrunched my nose in disgust but nodded and ran to the car. I shivered as I tightened my jacket around me.

Grayson rolled his eyes as he gave me his jacket, I said nothing and toke the jacket happily. The drive was so awkward I didn't want to say anything since we cuddled in our sleep, I just hope the next time Grayson and I decide to sleep in the same room he'll sleep on the floor.

When we finally pulled up to the school I saw Ryan, he smiled at me, "Yuuki!" he said excitedly he looked at Grayson shocked, "I know you."

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