1) normality

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Human nature is a thing people don't understand yet or maybe never will, like the concept of normal, some people strive to be normal, and some people disregard the thought of it completely, but what really is normal? The definition of normal is: average or common, but what really does this really mean ? based on my perception of normal, I believe that it's just a mindset people put themselves in to make themselves feel accepted you might say different, but think about is. Us as humans (who are still trying to navigate this topic) who want nothing more than the feeling of acceptance, built the system to have labels as "normal" and "abnormal ". This is how we base our beliefs, on what society thinks, and on the system that we built ourselves, then claiming other people broke the system when that's the way it was built. In all reality there is no normal. If you look at the basics of everything and actually think about it?Everything is different, no two things are exactly alike in the world yet some things go together perfectly. And there's no explaining how.


i will add more to these later im just addding all of the ones i like to this book 

(there will be poetry in it to)~mason 

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