Chapter 1

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Hello! Been a while since I upload a new book. This one is actually an old fanfic from my account, only reworked differently.

Unlike my previous books, this is not short stories or oneshot, and instead a continued series, with multiple chapter. It's still unfinished, but hope you'll enjoys it anyway! ^-^

Hey there, another Asurayuu stuff from me! This time it's not a short one shot, but a series. Hope you guys like it! :3

(AU setting: Still in the same world but without the apocalypse. Vampire and Japanese Imperial Demon Army still existed, but instead going on war, they had their own territory since the world goes normally. Which means there's no conflict, but the JIDA still exist simply as an undercover army, while the vampire society are hidden from the public)


"Hey Yuu-chan, quickly dress up already!" Mika whine at his roommate that still fixing his persistent, sticking-up bed hair.

"Aghh this thing won't go down!" Yuu said as he pull down a sticking cowlick from the top of his head. He never comb it because he think he looks better with his natural hairstyle. But he's going for a formal event, and it shouldn't be messy either.

There's no more time so he finally gave up and start fixing his tuxedo instead, making sure that he looks decent. It took more time with him doing his hair than doing his clothing. He sighed at the mirror, wondering if this is okay?

"Don't worry, Yuu-chan! You looks good like that. I bet some ladies going to hit you later!" Mika softly tap his elbow to the black haired boy, that instead gave him a sarcastic look. 

"Ladies? Who? Shinoa?" 

Mika almost burst in laughter. He always been the merry one on the group, ever since he's still a very small kid. On the group, he's most friendly one, seconded to Akane. Yuu on the other side is the less friendly, somewhat more bitter and cold. He didn't want to admit it, but he actually treasure his friends and family so much.

"Hey, you brat! Done yet?" Someone barge in with a casual, careless smile in his face. Unlike the other two, he's an adult with clothing more resemble of a military uniform than an actual formal attire.

"Guren-san, we'll be ready soon, in a minute." Mika throws a friendly smile to the older man, while Yuu nod with his usual plain face.

"Good, because I don't wanna put some lame excuse to the nobles just because you brat drag me down. I'll go down first.!" Guren close the door, then reopen the door and shouted "don't take too long!" beforeleaving the two again. For sure if the kids made him waiting, he'll kick the door and drag them out.

The two laughed in reaction, and they're ready for this. They still didn't believe that they're invited to Sanguinem for an anniversary party of the vampire noble of Tepes family. Ever since hundred years ago, the Tepes family have been in bad term with the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. The vampire, with their own law, gave shelter, home and job for the poor, in exchange for their blood. JIDA on the other way dislike their way, and with the new regulation, attempting to talk with the high ranking progenitor of Tepes family. After quite of meticulous effort, they finally can work their terms.

Yuu didn't really like it since he dislike the vampires. Actually, not even Mika likes the sound of this, since vampires known to look down on humanity and they're not so trustworthy. They never really bother humanity, live secluded from the world, but vampires still predator of man, using human as their livestock. And yet JIDA, especially the Hiragi family, decide to work together with them as they got great ambition to dominate the world, and thus, great power also needed. Guren Ichinose didn't like the plan, but a lieutenant colonel couldn't do anything to oppose the all-powerful words of Hiragi.

The Lonely Vampire Prince (AU for AsuraYuu/YuuAsura)Where stories live. Discover now